Update on the next Court of Swords episode. Be sure to check the @Rollplay twitter account which will announce the rescheduled show date. The Schedule and the Twitch events page will be updated when that information is available.

Sadly there will be no Nebula Jazz episode this coming Saturday on the 27th of May.
Dodger and Jesse Cox will be away at Momocon. We wish them safe travels and a great time at the convention.

The next episode of Blades will air on May 28th 2017 @ 2:00 PM EDT
To view all the upcoming shows and events, go to the Schedule (http://itmejp.com/schedule) for the times in your timezone. Make sure to also check the Twitch Events page (https://www.twitch.tv/itmejp/events) for your local time and the ability to add the events to your personal calendar.
Update on the Court of Swords episode that was canceled on the 23rd of May ( more information on that is posted above )
Sorry to all Rollplay fans.
The next RollPlay one shot will be RollPlay Tales of the Loop which will air on June 3rd 2017 @ 4:00PM Eastern
To view all the upcoming shows and events, go to the Schedule (http://itmejp.com/schedule) for the times in your timezone. Make sure to also check the Twitch Events page (https://www.twitch.tv/itmejp/events) for your local time and the ability to add the events to your personal calendar.
Twitch events page for the show
For further information and discussion please check out this thread

The next episode of Court of Swords will air on May 30th 2017 @ 4:00 PM EDT
To view all the upcoming shows and events, go to the Schedule (http://itmejp.com/schedule) for the times in your timezone. Make sure to also check the Twitch Events page (https://www.twitch.tv/itmejp/events) for your local time and the ability to add the events to your personal calendar.

The next episode of Blades will air on June 4th 2017 @ 2:00 PM EDT
To view all the upcoming shows and events, go to the Schedule (http://itmejp.com/schedule) for the times in your timezone. Make sure to also check the Twitch Events page (https://www.twitch.tv/itmejp/events) for your local time and the ability to add the events to your personal calendar.
In Court of Swords related news-

The next episode of Court of Swords will air on June 6th 2017 @ 4:00 PM EDT
To view all the upcoming shows and events, go to the Schedule (http://itmejp.com/schedule) for the times in your timezone. Make sure to also check the Twitch Events page (https://www.twitch.tv/itmejp/events) for your local time and the ability to add the events to your personal calendar.
I apologize for the late post.

The next episode of Court of Swords will air on June 24th 2017 @ 4:00 PM EDT
To view all the upcoming shows and events, go to the Schedule (http://itmejp.com/schedule/) for the times in your timezone. Make sure to also check the Twitch Events page https://www.twitch.tv/itmejp/events for your local time and the ability to add the events to your personal calendar.

The next episode of Blades will air on June 25th 2017 @ 2:00 PM EDT
To view all the upcoming shows and events, go to the Schedule (http://itmejp.com/schedule) for the times in your timezone. Make sure to also check the Twitch Events page (https://www.twitch.tv/itmejp/events) for your local time and the ability to add the events to your personal calendar.

The next episode of Court of Swords will air on June 27th 2017 @ 4:00 PM EDT
To view all the upcoming shows and events, go to the Schedule (http://itmejp.com/schedule/) for the times in your timezone. Make sure to also check the Twitch Events page https://www.twitch.tv/itmejp/events for your local time and the ability to add the events to your personal calendar.
Twitch event page for the show
This one shot will air on June 30th 2017 @ 4:00 PM EDT
To view all the upcoming shows and events, go to the Schedule (http://itmejp.com/schedule) for the times in your timezone. Make sure to also check the Twitch Events page (https://www.twitch.tv/itmejp/events) for your local time and the ability to add the events to your personal calendar.
Twitch event page for the show

The next episode of Nebula Jazz will air on July 1st 2017 @ 4:00 PM EDT
To view all the upcoming shows and events, go to the Schedule (http://itmejp.com/schedule) for the times in your timezone. Make sure to also check the Twitch Events page (https://www.twitch.tv/itmejp/events) for your local time and the ability to add the events to your personal calendar.
RollPlay update - Patreon video
Direct link:

The next episode of Court of Swords will air on July 4th 2017 @ 4:00 PM EDT
To view all the upcoming shows and events, go to the Schedule (http://itmejp.com/schedule/) for the times in your timezone. Make sure to also check the Twitch Events page https://www.twitch.tv/itmejp/events for your local time and the ability to add the events to your personal calendar.
Edit: added the next episode of CoS

The next episode of Nebula Jazz will air on July 10th 2017 @ 8:00 PM EDT
To view all the upcoming shows and events, go to the Schedule (http://itmejp.com/schedule) for the times in your timezone. Make sure to also check the Twitch Events page (https://www.twitch.tv/itmejp/events) for your local time and the ability to add the events to your personal calendar.
This one shot will air on July 22nd 2017 @ 4:00 PM EDT
To view all the upcoming shows and events, go to the Schedule (http://itmejp.com/schedule) for the times in your timezone. Make sure to also check the Twitch Events page (https://www.twitch.tv/itmejp/events) for your local time and the ability to add the events to your personal calendar.

The next episode of Nebula Jazz will air on July 15th 2017 @ 4:00 PM EDT
To view all the upcoming shows and events, go to the Schedule (http://itmejp.com/schedule) for the times in your timezone. Make sure to also check the Twitch Events page (https://www.twitch.tv/itmejp/events) for your local time and the ability to add the events to your personal calendar.
Revisting Rollplay has also been added to the schedule ( http://itmejp.com/schedule/ ) so be sure to keep your eye on that page for your local date and time.
RollPlay: Court of Swords - The Necromancer King

The next episode of Court of Swords will air on July 18th 2017 @ 4:00 PM EDT
To view all the upcoming shows and events, go to the Schedule (http://itmejp.com/schedule/) for the times in your time zone. Make sure to also check the Twitch Events page https://www.twitch.tv/itmejp/events for your local time and the ability to add the events to your personal calendar.
Twitch event page for the show

An episode of Court of Swords will air on July 25th 2017 @ 4:00 PM EDT
To view all the upcoming shows and events, go to the Schedule (http://itmejp.com/schedule/) for the times in your time zone. Make sure to also check the Twitch Events page https://www.twitch.tv/itmejp/events for your local time and the ability to add the events to your personal calendar.
Twitch event page for the show

The next episode of Nebula Jazz will air on July 29th 2017 @ 4:00 PM EDT
To view all the upcoming shows and events, go to the Schedule (http://itmejp.com/schedule) for the times in your time zone. Make sure to also check the Twitch Events page (https://www.twitch.tv/itmejp/events) for your local time and the ability to add the events to your personal calendar.