I love this. I even proposed this once in a different thread. But every day? Those are “normal” 4 hour episodes, if I recall correctly.
I would love to join this endeavor regularly, however I can not dedicate 4 hours each day. And: When I fall behind on other shows, I’d have a week to catch up. Catching up to a daily broadcast seems impossible.
I would be strongly in favor of changing the pace to maybe 3, 2 or even 1 episode a weeks. Or maybe instead of running one show every day run different show on different days and have a schedule like: Legacy on mondays, Ehbon on wednesdays, Mirrorshades on fridays…
I don’t know. If this was a 30 minute sitcom situation, daily shows would be fine. But 4 hours, somtimes more… that’s a lot 
This is a test. Maybe just test it first!