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itmeJP Community

Crew name suggestions

That’s kind of cool since the cops are called Blue Coats or something like that, aren’t they?

This is the first Rollplay show I’ve managed to catch from the absolute beginning and it’s what got me to sub to JP. As far as a crew name, how about one of these;

Fated Scribes
Tenebrous Scholars
Shadowed Scriveners

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The Faculty
The Academy
(They’re teaching lessons yo)


Firm & Faculty. “Give us a call and our professional educators will work with you to teach the necessary lessons.”

It has a built in cover :stuck_out_tongue:



Also @OneSevenDesign’s suggestion “The Sixes” after tonight’s (Ep 3) epic rolls is a great crew name. :smile:

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My favorite two so far:
The Scholars
The Ghostwriters

My addition: The Closed Book Associates.

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The Bookkeepers.

I think it fits their style of handling jobs.

The Wiggly Waggle-Butts please :I

But The Sixes will undo the dice! (also makes me think too much about the Sixers in Ready Player One)

I’m still fond of “The Librarians”, but i think the crew will know in their hearts when the right name comes along. Their murderous assassinating hearts :slight_smile:

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To be honest I think they refuse to take any suggestions that we, the community, can come up with haha :smile: . I know Zeke hates to be unoriginal so he’ll probably never approve it!

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During the episode @Ezekiel_III said he liked “The Faculty”.

Although it’d be very awkward if they took the name “The Sixes” and then never rolled a six for the rest of the show lol.


How about the crew name “Service with a Smile” in honour of Geoff’s awesome grin?

I really like that one :smiley:

How about “The Red Herring’s”, it would suit the whole assassin look, about not being caught doing their job. And it fits their working out of a library as a ‘red herring’ in a story is a clue that is meant to be misleading. You can also take the ‘red’ out of it to signify blood etc…

I’m disappointed that after 55 messages nobody has offered up the only real choice.

What does nobody expect?


Because everyone expects that answer. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


oooooo bookies sounds great. “Ah shit, the bookies are coming down here”. Its quite smooth

I feel that “Bookies” is too connected to gambling. Bookenders has better ring to it.

Something something, Book of Names.
Something something, Overdue.