itmeJP Community

itmeJP Community

Subs/Patreon Forum Perks

Hey! I know this site is up for like a day so there is much work and refining to do before adding new features. But maybe some ideas for the future? What would you like to see?
I remember JP talking about getting his emotes here if you’re subbed to his twitch. I think that’s a great idea but is there a plan to include Patreon only subs? Maybe just give those who pledged $5+ the same features as you plan to give twitch subs.

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Everyone can use JPs emotes here not just subs from what I understand.
press emote icon then the :itmejp10: tab to see them the current ones

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Ooh okay, thanks! I don’t know where I got that emotes are only for subs then. Maybe because I see the names but emotes not displaying for many people.

They should be displayed. They don’t show up in quotes for some reason however but that’s fine. When the batch of new emotes comes around we’ll pick the relevant ones and remove some that don’t really work in a community setting.

As for Patrons. We have it on our to do so people can connect their Patreon account with their account here. When that’s done we can start to work on what features would be interesting.

Do keep sharing ideas around features that would be interesting to add for Subs or Patrons. We will for sure look them over and see what’s possible and what aligns with the community that we want to build.

Weirdly emotes do show up in quotes that have been expanded, but it appears that collapsed quotes disable a few features such as emotes and new lines.

Might be something we add to the to do list. But it low priority since it’s not really breaking anything… I hope… if it does let me know.