itmeJP Community

itmeJP Community

Can everyone use the itmeJP emotes?

Just wanted to make sure that everyone knows that we can use all of the emotes… well at least I hope everyone can use them. :itmejphappy:

also just noticed that I messed up the CSS for the objects emotes :itmejpfml:


:itmejphappy: I think this works. :itmejphappy:
Yup, you’re good

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:itmejpsword: :itmejp10::itmejpsword:

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Oh so emote-only posts ends up waiting for approval… that’s good to know. We have to figure out if or if not it should be that way. What do the rest of you think?

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For emote only needing to be approved? I think its fine as is. Only approve it on a case to case basis. If it gets to be too much of a hassle to approve, then change it to not needing approval.

:itmejphappy: :itmejphappy: :itmejphappy: :itmejphappy: :itmejphappy: :itmejphappy: :itmejphappy: :itmejphappy: :itmejphappy: :itmejphappy: :itmejphappy: :itmejphappy: :itmejphappy: :itmejphappy: :itmejphappy: :itmejphappy:

Yeah we will keep an eye on it.


lol I was just lazy ! :itmejphappy:

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:itmejpwtf: The face when I found this thread and realize I could do this.

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:itmejpd: So what happens when JP’s emotes change?? Will the old ones just become text? :itmejpsoul:


Dunno, but i’m sure there will be a way to preserve the old ones.

The simple thing would be to keep them live on here forever, but i’m sure there is a way to disable them for new posts after a cut off but keep them for old posts. I’ll put it on the TODO list.

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My guess is that they’ll be removed and replaced. Just my thoughts.

They might just add the new ones and have all the emotes on the community site, but fewer on the channel.

Sounds good @Crosseye_Jack, also found out there’s a limit on how many replies you can have. Interesting

Having currently working with another community site that is a possibility.
However, there are factors; The service the community section is using, the people behind the scenes, etc.
Having checked out the guy whose been heading the creation of this site and the community section I am sure he has away to make a change without erasing the past.
I assume.

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:itmejphappy: It looks like some of the old emotes are there, and current emotes are missing, so I think it will just be a list of pictures that are added on the front end (back end?) :itmejpgg:

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Upped the limits. I’ll keep an eye on it. “new users” are limited more then “old” users but as this is all new, you are all in the same boat. Except us mod’s we can spam till the cows come home Muhahahhaa.

EDIT: Actually i’m going to increase the limits even more while this is getting started :slight_smile:


Yay! :itmejphappy: :itmejphappy: Thanks Jack!

I will lobby to keep the most used ones. They’re not being pulled from the TwitchAPI but are uploaded on the site so we can even have our own community emotes if we want.


:itmejphappy: Sounds cool @TwitchSurgeon, :itmejphappy:

Ah, so very similar to how the community I help works with their emotes.
Yea we do a similar thing, we don’t take from the Twitch API and try to above using our guys emotes.
We primarily focus on making our own, which is fun.
By the way love the work done to this site.

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:itmejphappy: :itmejphappy: :itmejphappy: :itmejphappy: :itmejphappy: :itmejphappy: HYPE!



:itmejpcrit: Yes!!! :itmejpcrit:

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