As CoS went on and Adam had seemingly a lot of good rolls. I wanted to see if this is actually true or just the common perception bias.
For now I only have recorded data from week 11 to 13, but I might add the earlier weeks, when I have time.
So just one warning I had to use the total of the rolls (dice roll + modifier), since Adams and part of JPs rolls are not visible in the vods.
For this post I will focus purely on combat.
Two notes:
Ramus’ rolls are not Dans, they are Adams saving throws (+one), since Ramus only attacked (in dnd terms) 1 time (successfully) in the 3 weeks.
There might be small discrepancies causing numbers not to add up completely. They might be caused by weirdness in gameplay (Adam attacking NPCs, Ramus attacking the party) or errors in my data
Name Average Success 1/20 Number of Damage Targeted Attacked Damage
Roll Attacks Dealt Successfully Taken
Berg 15.23 69.23% 1/1 26 148 21 47,62% 60
Janus 14.07 64.29% 0/0 14 110 14 21,43% 30
Gideon 14.92 57.69% 1/3 26 165 45 57,78% 198
Adam 13.47 46.67% 3/4 90 315 646
Ramus 10.97 46.00% 0/0 37 228 8 12,50% 21
Average Roll - All rolls summed up and divided by the total number of rolls
Success - Percentage of attacks the character did successfully
1/20 - Number of 1s and 20s rolled on a d20
Number of Attacks - Total number of attack rolls
Damage Dealt - Total damage done by the character
Targeted - Times the character was target of an attack
Attacked Successfully - Percentage of attacks against the character that were successful
Damage Taken - The total damage the character took
I think for the most part the numbers speak for themselves. No real Adam bias here. Although I’m interested if it was different in the earlier episodes especially the first party.
Edit: Okay this forum doesn’t like preformatted text, let me fix that