@TheDesec The Mad Scientist!
Gave you guys another 10K characters
Found a piece of CSS code for clickable tooltips… tinkered a bit… Try it here!
I don’t fully understand the code, yet. For example: I have no clue how to disable the circular alignment and make it straight. And the shadow settings are weird.
But I think clicking on a name and getting a menu for twitch, twitter and youtube links is the way to go…
That being said - it’s CSS, so someone would have to put the finished version into the CSS file for the forum… no idea if that’s something possible, or if you guys want that… but then it’s a feature for everywhere on the site!
Only basic HTML is allowed here so no CSS. The CSS would mess up the colors etc of the community.
That’s what I’m getting at… someone at your end would have to edit something like this into the CSS code! It would be so neat and tidy
But you mentioned earlier that right now there’s no room for further dev… I’ll shut up about it
Ah I see! It might be possible it would basically add another summary tag that’s a social media summary pretty much.
Fuck. Me. The summary thing… been using it all along… how about that:
Cast | Resources |
[details=John Harper (DM)]
![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() |
…with plenty of room for more icons…
One thing that I dislike about this: the places, that already have summaries, will look shitty; like the multiple groups for the charity event 2014.
Secondly, I liked it when the names were orange. This might be an easy fix.
P.S.: I will not edit the entire thing before next weekend! So until then we can toss around some options
P.P.S.: I afraid of how it might look when click counters are coming in…
P.P.P.S.: @TwitchSurgeon Anne’s twitter got a counter in this post now… I hate how that moves the other icon(s) over… do you think this can be disabled?
Awesome Guide @TheDesec , you may want to add Maggie Krohn to the Rollplay Vigil section she replaced Neal when he left the show to pursue other projects on his channel.
I don’t know what you’re talking about, she’s there
I’m still on Ehbon S2… so I didn’t know
Quick Update!
- Added link anchors, so you can link to each show directly
- Anchors are: solum, heresy, ehbon, vigil, rnd, swansong, wm, mirrorshades, bop, cos, blades
- Usage: “URL to this page”#anchor - …/rollplay-viewers-guide-wiki/419#blades
New social links (like this, unless discussed otherwise) will be added on the weekend.
So you can actually do that a lot simpler and also create an index on the page itself.
<a name="daniel"></a>
## [Daniel](#daniel)
Maaaan I was saving this trick for when we open the Wiki section and I could style with all the wiki tricks. This should however cut down on the amount of code, I think. Still a really cool trick that can be used in more than just wiki posts.
this would have been awesome to know half an hour ago be right back
back: did I do it wrong, it doesn’t seem to work with the short code…
back again: sigh … the name="" is basicly what I did… then undid because I misunderstood your answer
back again: done
back again: doesn’t work when I link from any other place than this page itself?
-> showing the right area for a moment, but then jumps to top of the page?
it’s time to tinker! new social links done for solum… @moderators please let me know if there is a way to disable click counters for a link… they are annoying me
Body is limited to 42000 characters; you entered 42359.
@twitchsurgeon @moderators and/or @admins… HALP - I’m not even half way through with the new social links…
a) more characters give
II.) rename the little icons that I uploaded (would probably return 20-25% characters?)
3) I don’t know
how about that:
https://community.itmejp.com/uploads/default/original/1X/5e2b5ca67195f5cfa8ec62b783e470b4bc84e000.png > loupe.png
https://community.itmejp.com/uploads/default/original/1X/8f15906c159925955e41e0a20ae533d08e2385c5.png > yt.png
https://community.itmejp.com/uploads/default/original/1X/1632562cccfa4096227cdd63c01e0f061685d3c6.png > twitter.png
https://community.itmejp.com/uploads/default/original/1X/db3402f1f06a9b03ffb04a58b24d7a2ed9ba62f0.png > twitch.png
https://community.itmejp.com/uploads/default/original/1X/b5c0c2f705618aa1915ef6587c179303c2029c29.png > web.png
I’ll finish the edit in a text file and report back when I got a character count
also: official LOGOS might help with characters expended, since those that I grabbed from google and uploaded here, got the same issue with super long file names.
A better option, albeit not as pretty, would be to reduce the amount of icons. There’s really no need to have YouTube icons if you give them a separate column. Same can be said about having Twitch and Websites as well, since they’re accessible from the Twitter accounts (the reason why we have them on the RollPlay overlays).
well, then we might aswell roll this back to the twitter only version without the summary-drop-downs
I don’t mind! I thought it looked better with their names in orange…
New code looks tidy and pretty though…
Edit#56 is the pre edit version… I don’t know how to roll back! Got the text file here about 50-60% done at 47000 characters … Westmarches will add a lot…
Edit: I’ll leave it for now… checking back tomorrow, waiting for instructions!
Again: I don’t mind it either way. Someone asked for twitch links and the old guide had them…
Since there was no other argument, I went back to the old style. I preferred the old one, with the names in orange, and I agree with @TwitchSurgeon - everyone has their own social links on their Twitter!
Got a backup of the new style, just in case!
Yo I’m out for the next coming weeks with working on the live show and other projects. So it’s up to the head mods (they’re admins as well) to make the decisions while I’m “gone”, I’ll still check in from time to time.
FYI, Geoff got a new twitter handle since he left EG, His name still links to the old one^^