I’m happy to see a streaming schedule again, it was nice when you did it with Dark Souls last year (my god it’s been a year already?) and i’m hoping it’s gonna work out for you this time :D.
My only suggestion would be is you could somehow start 1 or 2 hours earlier 3-4 pm your time for the EU peeps, it’s basically midnight for my country.
There’s always the VOD’s i guess but oh well, this was my 2 cents on the awesome new change.
Edit: A game suggestion…hmm, Stardew Valley? I know it’s not your thing, but man, i bought this game mid-year, played 30 minutes and decided i didn’t like it. Came back mid December when i was bored and decided to actually invest a little time in the game and boom. i have over 100 hours clocked into this…thing. It’s a nice a chill game.