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Logan Official Movie Trailer Reveal

Today 20th Century Fox release the first trailer for Hugh Jackman’s last time has being Wolverine, Logan. I personally loved this trailer, if the mood of the movie is the same to this trailer I am in. It’s powerful haunting seeing Wolverine and Professor X as old as they are dealing with what is to come. I’m just curious what everyone else thought, and hey maybe you might’ve liked it as much. I know the Wolverine solo films haven’t been so good, so I understand if people are cautious.

Normal Trailer:

Red Band Trailer:

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Agreed really good choice of song for the trailer!

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Almost has a 'The Last of Us" feel to it! I mean Hugh, at least in this trailer, looks great as a Joel :smiley:

I’ve never been a huge fan of Wolverine but the movies are always entertaining and I love the grittiness this trailer had.


Really hope they go for a more personal story, i know it’s a superhero movie but i hope they don’t have some silly over the top fight scene as the end. Trailer is getting my hype as hell though!


I don’t know about this. It seems alt history, so its weird that Fox already reset their Xmen timeline and now have an alt history future story happening at the same time.

When I first saw the teaser poster with the image of a kids hand I thought they would bring in x-23 (who is amazing) to replace Wolverine in their movie universe because Hugh is getting older. Now though it is a bit confusing as to how they are going to tie her back into the timeline.

Stopped getting hyped for Fox x-men films after apocalypse( with the exception of Deadpool). Will go in with no expectations which is for the best.


International trailer has a bit more violence. I like the tone and will allow myself some hope; Origins was ugh, TW was meh, so maybe this will be yay? A focus on Jackman and Stewart should be good. Yep, cautiously excited!

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It’s an interpretation of a storyline called Old Man Logan that came out a few years ago. He’s the Logan that’s running around the Marvel Universe now as well.


its somewhere in my comic backlog to read. For nerds its fine to follow convoluted timelines I just think its too much for a regular movie goer.

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It’s not even that convoluted, I think they’re actually saying it’s the future in the movies anyway. Though I haven’t seen Apocalypse to see how that all ended.

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This looks like it could be INCREDIBLE. I really hope the movie lives up to this awesome trailer.

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What movies do I need to watch before I go see this? After watching the trailer I feel like I’m missing some of the story leading up to it.

As a side note, I got some of the same vibes from the trailer as I did form Longmire (go watch it if you haven’t seen it)


I don’t think you’ll need to watch anything. If you know who Wolverine is, you’re good.

You can always watch the first two X-men movies (X-Men and X-Men 2) and then X-Men: Days of Future Past, and X-Men: First Class. Those are the best ones IMO, take it for what it’s worth :slight_smile:

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Possibly its convoluted for me then.

  • Days of Future past reset the time line to xmen 1 and 2 only and that is the present. or maybe that year 2000 in the timeline so not really the present.
  • X-men first class and apocalypse are cannon x-men past history.
  • Just read from the blurb I am reading on the wiki Logan is connected to Apocalypse (so don’t read that if you want to stay away from spoilers)

Now I think its not alt-history after reading that. So I was the one making it convoluted by overthinking it LOL


Cool. I stopped watching the the movies after 2 so I’m not super behind.


Hey it’s comic books, being non-convoluted is the exception lol


Just be glad we’re not talking comic book continuity O_O


Yeah I know better then to open that Pandora’s box


This has the potential to be great, but all the Fox X-men movies have been hit or miss at least to me. Although I am not that up to date on the comics, how is the Prof. still alive with that old of a Logan? and how did he get those scars? ok looks like I will have to see this, just hope it is better then the Wolverine and keeps the same quality of music from this trailer

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Oh but it’s so gooooooooooooooood!

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