itmeJP Community

itmeJP Community

Ideas for new emotes?

What about an itmejpRIP emote, showing a tombstone with a “1” inside a d20 engraved on it. Although I don’t know if there’s enough detail to do something like that.

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Rollplay logo would be a good emote, Either Combo Roll - Play or just in 1 emote

Just don’t do a 4 piece emote(The square), its annoying as fuck


itmejpJIZZ would be lovely to see (super excited to see how this community site will work out :itmejphappy: :itmejphype: )

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A lot of cool ideas here but @itmeJP please bring back hot pink lambo! Emote of that type is always used while you drive and lets be honest lambo is the one we want and not some green squared car. :itmejpsenpai:

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I would like to see this being spammed instead of a wall of text that has some kind of error in it when it is meant to be a correction… Also there might be a need for a itmejpCillPill emote that could be counter spammed for the chat getting a bit too rowdy.

Aaand… are we like talking about killing Gassy or someone else? I feel like if it’s Gassys character, two deaths would be a good rate. :itmejpking:

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I think some sort of RIP emote would be nice. A simple tombstone with some medieval style helmet hanging over the peak of it. If not a helmet than maybe a sword in the ground infront of the tombstone.

Other good options could be some sort of XP emote. The Rollplay logo could be Nice too!

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Thanks for the reply Aurey!


I personally really enjoy emotes that can be used with other emotes like danKnife and the old TwithRPG emote. Also a TPK emote could be fun.

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Since so often in Rollplay shows things follow the route of “should we plan this shit…? Ok let’s try…Oh hell this is too hard JUST MURDER EVERYONE”, I’d like to see a 3 emote combo with a face and text at the bottom:

Questioning face “plan?”

Grin of realization “or…”

Manic murderous face up close “murder”

Something of the sort would be cool. It’s an essential struggle for the average roleplayer, so it would be useful in a lot of shows/ over a long time.

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Just had the idea sparked from the stream, but perhaps a robot JP emote of some kind, for when people try say JP is viewbotting?



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RIP emote - itmejpRIP - R letter, I letter is depicted with a bloody sword and letter P.

Fck Chat emote - itmejpCHAT - A DnD playersbook slamming on the top of a head.


itmejpHOOD for the “blades in the dark” hood

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itmejpCommunity could feature JP’s three heads.


I just pictured JP as cerberus :joy:


opens Photoshop


No, just no, I can’t do this to humanity.

closes Photoshop


Well… You can blame me and MS Paint for the end of humanity.


how could you visualize a reference? a source sauce?

i mean a text is just that right

I just had a visual of that getting spammed when someone tries to correct Adam. Made me laugh, itmejpsauce should be a thing.

having jp with anime stylized theme and doing the peace sign with his fingers would be awesome :itmejphype: and suuuuper kawaii :itmejpexcite:

BUT i have another idea as well what if jp got a pixel-art version of himself “cheebi” style (means big head small body) probably with a thumbs up or arms crossed like a badass :itmejpgasm:

also i just want more of jps face like this emote :itmejpgasm: - what expressions he would i would just refer to dans emotes :stuck_out_tongue: