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itmeJP Community

[far verona // e01 q&a] welcome to acheron rho

thanks for coming, everyone. questions!?


Are there any psychic abilities that would let Anne determine if a person is a synth or not? Other than just generally knowing their thoughts.

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How did you guys cast this show so perfectly? :100:


Can an illegal synthetic survive a fall of 86 stories? I’m guessing not, but you never know…

Can synths be psychic? Not asking for any particular reason…

What music do you think was playing during the tableau at the end? It’s a little cliche and overdone, but I think Mad World could work potentially unless you had something better :smiley:


omg i was thinking both those things too - that it would be a good song and also hella cheesy


Just want to thank my fellow Directors at A.C.R.E. for working on the spot to come up with those Stingers during the broadcast. I am very fortunate to be working with really talented individuals.

-A. Guisman, Director of A.C.R.E.


How are nobles able to readily tell that TheBronzeGirls character (forgot the name) is a plebian right away? Is there a standard of wearing a symbol of nobility and she just doesn’t have the authority to wear it?


So with one HP it’s necessary to avoid danger. I haven’t had time yet to catch up on the vods for setup, but is there a different system than D&D for dealing with damage and death? (If I just need to watch the vods that’s a perfectly valid answer lol I need to get on that, school just gets in the way)

not sure if Gassy reads these but I would love to know him motivation behind the hesitation in dealing with the synth. is it that he has some kind of love for the synths and he feels for them and secretly dislikes having to kill them?

The simple answer would be that he just wanted to make sure that it was the right person but with all the positive identification they had on who he was and where he was it should of been simple right?

With these being new characters I am just looking forward to getting a peak into there minds and there thoughts/feelings on synths in general

Nope, not directly. Probably a design choice by Cygnus to counter Serpens meddling

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She’s dressed like an ACRE employee, and yeah, Nobles tend to flaunt it.


god, i hope not


Not gassy obviously but I’m going to interject my own thoughts on that question here. It seems that Booker is a character that is very atypical of the sectors nobility. First, he readily accepts the company and input of a plebian (Ryley) and on multiple occasions has stood up for her in the face of other nobility, some of who are not unimportant. He seems to be a character that is more “down to earth” in the sense that he is not arrogant at all, and in fact is fed up with the haughtiness of the nobility. Maybe there is some reason that he is hesitating here because he is questioning his position or maybe its a moral one we don’t really know yet. I think his character in general would have no problems retiring a synthetic normally but has some hangups at this point in time for some reason we aren’t aware of yet. Maybe he is sick of the status quo.

Week 1 roll results and statistics:

Nomi Qa’a (AnneMunition):

Roll 1
  • Skill: Know
  • Attribute: Charisma
  • Result: 12
  • Outcome: Success
Roll 2
  • Skill: Notice - Assist
  • Attribute: Wisdom
  • Result: 7
  • Outcome: Success
Roll 3
  • Skill: Talk - Rerolled (Diplomat)
  • Attribute: Charisma
  • Result: 6 (rerolled from 5)
  • Outcome: Fail
Roll 4
  • Skill: Talk - Assist
  • Attribute: Charisma
  • Result: 11
  • Outcome: Success
Roll 5
  • Skill: Talk
  • Attribute: Charisma
  • Result: 9
  • Outcome: Partial Success
Roll 6
  • Skill: Talk - Assist
  • Attribute: Charisma
  • Result: 5
  • Outcome: Fail
Roll 7
  • Skill: Sneak - Assist
  • Attribute: Dexterity
  • Result: 10
  • Outcome: Success

Limmar Riley (ThatBronzeGirl):

Roll 1
  • Skill: Talk - Assisted
  • Attribute: Charisma
  • Result: 5
  • Outcome: Fail
Roll 2
  • Skill: Notice - Assisted
  • Attribute: Wisdom
  • Result: 7
  • Outcome: Partial Success
Roll 3
  • Skill: Program
  • Attribute: Intelligence
  • Result: 13
  • Outcome: Success
Roll 4
  • Skill: Administer
  • Attribute: Intelligence
  • Result: 9
  • Outcome: Partial Success
Roll 5
  • Skill: Program
  • Attribute: Intelligence
  • Result: 13
  • Outcome: Success
Roll 6
  • Skill: Sneak - Assist
  • Attribute: Dexterity
  • Result: 9
  • Outcome: Success

Jaycen Argus (Sherlock_Hulmes):

Roll 1
  • Skill: Talk
  • Attribute: Charisma
  • Result: 8
  • Outcome: Partial Success
Roll 2
  • Skill: Notice
  • Attribute: Wisdom
  • Result: 6
  • Outcome: Fail
Roll 3
  • Skill: Notice - Assist
  • Attribute: Wisdom
  • Result: 9
  • Outcome: Success
Roll 4
  • Skill: Talk - Assist
  • Attribute: Strength
  • Result: 12
  • Outcome: Success
Roll 5
  • Skill: Sneak - Assist
  • Attribute: Dexterity
  • Result: 9
  • Outcome: Success
Roll 6
  • Skill: Punch
  • Attribute: Strength
  • Result: 7 vs 8
  • Outcome: Fail

Booker Greaves (GassyMexican):

Roll 1
  • Skill: Notice - Assisted
  • Attribute: Wisdom
  • Result: 9
  • Outcome: Partial Success
Roll 2
  • Skill: Talk
  • Attribute: Charisma
  • Result: 5
  • Outcome: Fail
Roll 3
  • Skill: Talk
  • Attribute: Charisma
  • Result: 7
  • Outcome: Partial Success
Roll 4
  • Skill: Talk - Assisted
  • Attribute: Charisma
  • Result: 8
  • Outcome: Partial Success
Roll 5
  • Skill: Lead - Assisted+2
  • Attribute: Charisma
  • Result: 14
  • Outcome: Success

Average Results
  • Nomi Qa’a: 8.571
  • Limmar Riley: 9.333
  • Jaycen Argus: 8.500
  • Booker Greaves: 8.600

I hope, I didn’t miss any rolls or made an error writing them down. In the following weeks, the lousy excuse for a plot will become a nice graph.
Let me know if you have any suggestions or want me to track more/other stats.


Holy shit! This is amazing


Keep doing this! And then go back and do it all for Court of Swords! ALL. 77. EPISODES. :itmejprage:


Great show! Loved the group cohesion. Its always great when everyone contributes equally.
Im glad you didnt get into these intense battle scenes. This episode was very good for getting to know the characters.

As for questions. Did you happen to name the soldier that made the joke at the start?
Sergeant Holtzmann? Or was that some other guy? (specific question i know, just asking for the wiki)

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