itmeJP Community

itmeJP Community

Day[9] on Dropped Frames Oct 26

JP tweeted:

@day9tv will join us on #DroppedFrames this Wednesday with @CohhCarnage and @Ezekiel_III see you then

day[9] tweeted:

It’s a busy week! All day hearthstone tomorrow, dropped frames w/ @itmeJP on Wed Stardew on Thur, and Civ 6 on Fri! #MostlyWalking today!

I’m so excited! Love day[9]. I hope that JP, Zeke and Cohh ask Sean about his return to full time streaming. What are his plans going forward? What did he learn from working in the gaming industry (insert Steven meme here) about the relationship between devs and streamers? Does he have any recommendations for streamers to improve their relationship with devs to make interesting content and support game development?

Also JP should ask Sean how Sheriff and Despy are doing…

What are you folks interested in hearing Sean talk about on Dropped Frames?


Actually, your post made me realize that it would be kinda cool to have a “community questions” thread regularly in advance of Dropped Frames for the community to ask questions that JP can ask whoever the guest is that week. Even if it’s just one or two questions that he picks. Yes/no?


Feel free to start it :slight_smile:
It’s up to @itmeJP if he will use them or not but feel free to get the topic rolling

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Can we all agree that Day9 is one of the most charming men in the world? /mancrush


A post was merged into an existing topic: Dropped Frames 81 - General Discussion / Thoughts of a random person