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itmeJP Community

Crew name suggestions

A few I thought of were

The End
The Authors
Last Word


Bloody Letters is to similar to the Bloodletters which is the gang on John’s very infrequent Blades show with Adam, Sean and Stras.

I think the Archivists is a great suggestion. It ties in well with the assassins thing and sounds just cheesy enough to be funny without making it impossible to take the crew seriously.

I also like John’s idea of giving it a few sessions to see if the crew’s actions give us a name.


Agreed about Bloody Letters being to close.
I like Novel Death, and taking it more subtle to Novel Endings.
That could also work for the name of the library.
The Shooshers or The Shushers, for the librarian pun.


How about we just call them the Bookenders

or Bookies, for short


@BlastRonin Last Word would be a great crew name!

@Appaomega Novel Endings is awesome. I like it even more than Novel Death.


I have to say Ghostwriters has a certain sound to it


Death Scholars Would be nice one for me.
Because they are the Scholars…



I KNOW, I KNOW … BOMB THREAT … ups wrong show.

But for real. I like the Scholars. And when you want people killed you “buy a library card” just like the “dinner reservation” in John Wick


I was thinking, as assassin targets are usually referred to as “marks” they could instead use Bookmarks and when people want someone dead they put a book in the collection area of the Library with a bookmark in it with a name written on it.


I like The Scholars, or another name that sounds kinda sorta like a normal thing, 'cause it would allow for some cool and/or funny “hiding in plain sight” moments. As in, they, their clients and just people in the know might talk about them in a sort of thiefs cant in public.

“You heard about the latest paper the scholars published?” and shit like that.


I like “The Scholars” and “The Archivists” but it lacks something, an edge?

I think it would fit to have a group of 4 with a name that says more of what they do than where their lair is?
A combination of what they do and where they are perhaps?
Also, their missions won´t just be one hit assassinations, as I understood (although not familiar with Blades in the Dark) it´s everything criminal, heists, smuggling, kidnapping etc?

“Literal Cartel” would speak more of both where and who they are imho.
“Literal Criminals”
“Literally Killers”

When speaking to a new client or on a mission they could speak to eachother by the first letter in their names- like codenames Reservoir Dogs style- that could be a signum when they were fighting an enemy they would know if they heard the crew talking to eachother.

-Hey guys did you hear? “B” from “Letters”-(known in the underworld) took down a hole building in China Town? Apparently he used brute force to knock down a supporting wall"

I dunno… that´s the best I can make up…

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at the start of the game they picked what the main 4 will focus on(assassin missions) but they can get cohorts that do other things

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what if the crews name was just The Ghostwriters?
As they are based in a library and have the whole leaving of pages and or quotes on the killed targets and the term itself refers to people that write for other people which is quite similar to what Assassins do, but for murder!


Maybe The Erratum as in a correction of someone else’s mistakes. Or The Press as a mirror of The Firm (an organized criminal operation operated by the Krays in the 60s). Or perhaps even Folium which is the page of a manuscript and is reminiscent of Folly (which is surely a description of anyone they are employed to remove).

No, I have a better idea. Mortuus Lignum which would be dead wood.


Oh no… That’s pretty spoopy.

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The scholars is pretty good but I think The Chroniclers sounds cooler


So many great suggestions! My personal favorites are:

Well, we’re all about to find out what they chose! See you there!


There are some pretty cool names tossed around in here, I’ll add The Revisers to the list :smiley:

Edit: Also, The Redactors.


If we’re going for names inspired by something related to books:

These are names of mythical books or names inspired by those books.

  • The Galdrabók (Gahl-drah-bok) - an Icelandic grimoire, wikipage here

  • Rauðskinna (Raw-skinner) meaning “red skin” another book about black magic. The subject of the book was to learn to master magic to such a degree as to control Satan

  • Dup Shimati - The mesopotamian Tablet of Destiny. Whoever held this tablet was granted rulership over the universe (or great power).

  • The Sybilline Books - A collection of oracular utterances that according to tradition were purchased from a sibyl by the last king of Rome

    • or maybe the Sybelline Four / Sybelline Oracles

They could also just be called “The Codex” or “the codex - something

OH WAIT… here’s a really good one.

  • Codex Ex Sanguis ( Ex “out of” or “from” + Sanguis “blood”)

“Hush” is a nice name. It’s also the expression people make in a library if you’re too noisy. Another word in the seemingly the same vein would be “Quietus”

Or you could just call them the “Dewey Decimals”.