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Which MMO: WoW or FF14

As the title says I’m trying to pick between paying for WoW or FF14 as a main MMO to play on a day to day basis.

A little about my situation:

  • I play on a Mac (Please refrain from comments like “lol Macs aren’t for gaming” and such)
  • I currently only have enough money for 1 game subscription per month
  • I think I would enjoy both settings but I don’t know much about either game (story, population, etc.)

I’m purely looking for opinions on which game is better, in your eyes, since Mac users can’t try out the FF14 trial for some reason.

IMHO most important thing is that you shouldn’t think about if you have money for an MMO. The biggest thing is do you have the time? WoW is much faster to get to the end game and it’s much more clearly constructed instead of the multiple class system. If one doesn’t already know an MMO or knows someone who plays it, i’m not sure if they are worth it as they require so much time to understand the different kinds of mechanics and then the grind is also pretty real. Maybe when a new game comes out there is a easy way to get in to a community that figures out things together.

Both of the games have same mechanics. Automated group finding, tab-targeting combat and a major focus on PvE. You go in to an area and complete quests in hubs. When done you go back to the city and then to the next place. For someone who isn’t invested in either one of the games i would see that FF14 has more value. The early level content for WoW is so much sped up at this point that it’s more about trying to get to the next place to level rather than actually killing mobs. I’m pretty sure that for someone that hasn’t been playing wow for a long time and went trough the raids it is really hard to understand what is going on with the story as you are blasted past it extremely fast.

WoW is much easier to approach. FF14 has strange mechanics that at least i wasn’t used to. Main things are the single class one has multiple classes and you need to be proficient in multiple ones to open the possibility for the high tier classes. I managed to get to the advanced classes by my own, but i had to do a lot of head scratching. Also, the crafting in FF14 is interesting but pretty strange at start.

All in all FF14 is more different than most MMOs i had played before. The setting and class structure is interesting and more varied. For me pretty much everything seems more interesting than it does in WoW.

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That’s a significant change. It used to be that playing without having ever subbed only got you one pre-selected reward from every quest, half XP(literally, half), no trading, limited pvp warzones, limited starfighter pvp, etc. It just overall sucked to play F2P. Playing vet was better, actual subscription was best.

I already looked into that one and its Windows only. That’s why I’m picking between WoW and FF14.

I feel ya man, I wanted to play SWTOR but no Mac support makes me sad. One thing I really despise is game subscription models, I really hate them, so MMOs aren’t really worth it for me since I don’t enjoy grinding either.

The real answer to your question is “which ever one your friends are playing.” But if you’re going solo, you can try FFXIV before purchasing anything for a limited amount of time up to level 20.

FFXIV is slower than WoW, but the leveling is coupled with a pretty great story with cutscenes etc… So there’s a purpose to it that kept me motivated. Also I find the UI and the grouping mechanics better than WoW’s but that’s subjective.

I would try it but the trial version is for Windows only :frowning: