itmeJP Community

itmeJP Community

Where are you from?

Odense in rainy Denmark :slight_smile:


beuti… wait no rainy and gloomy UK :stuck_out_tongue:

The snowy Moscow, Russia!

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Im from wonderful San Jose, California.

From the perennially overcast UK

Victoria, BC. Literally a hop, skip, and a really big jump from Adam.

Speaking of which, Adam I was really tempted to come hang out with you and Kaleri (I’ve been friends with her for a lonnnng time) but I didn’t have anywhere to stay the night.

I hail from the burbiest suburbs of DC Metro area, in Virginia. Any further away and I can’t say I’m associated with metro area of my youth…

Not much to do here but play make believe!

Istanbul, Turkey :itmejphi:

Slovenia. Central Europe :slight_smile:

Earth 2/ Northern Utah, USA

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from Munich, Germany

Cannes in France :slight_smile:

Sunny South Africa :slight_smile:

Toronto Ontario Canada, born and raised here, lived here my whole life.

Cold and dark Finland

Reporting in via tin cans and string from the land of spiders and Dropbears
(Specifically: Canberra, Australia)

The stunning but always rainy Shetland Islands. :slight_smile:

From good ol’ Denmark, the land of vikings and cows

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Victoria, British Columbia

From Detroit, Michigan. I swear it’s pretty cool and not as bad as you think.