itmeJP Community

itmeJP Community

What tabletop games are you running/playing?

I’ve been DMing D&D 5E for the last two years for a group of friends. Over the summer I also ran FFG Star Wars for a bit and ran Dungeon Crawl Classics once. What games do you guys play in or DM?

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Not played a table top RP for years :frowning: it’s something I really should get into but all my IRL friends ain’t into it.


I just starting running a new 5e campaign and am in another couple in 5e as well. I’ve also done Star Wars campaigns (both FFG and Saga Edition), Pathfinder, 3.5e, Stars Without Numbers, and numerous other systems through one-shots.

I have LOVED 5e thus far. Really easy to homebrew and make your own.


I have the same problem :frowning: Would love to play D&D but none of my friends are into it.

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Currently running a Stars Without Numbers game and a The End Of The World: Zombie Apocalypse game. Both are pretty good at the moment, pretty tense for different reasons. Also working on a 5th Edition campaign as a follow up to my first one, gonna set it in the future of the same world, Solum style.

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I am in a two and a half year old 5e group thay bounces between the WotC premades and a three momth old FFG Edge of the Empire game where we mostly buy, sell, and ingest various spice.

The former is played on roll20 with some friends across North America and the latter is played at the kitchen table.

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Just started my first attempt at GMing after my 7 year old found my Pathfinder book and asked me what it was. Ran him and his 5 year old brother through the starter campaign for that , both loved it and weren’t bored in the first five minutes ( actually had to put it away after 4 hours because I had to make their dinner, immediately starting asking me when they could play again) . Decided to swap over to 5e D&D because I’ve watched so much of it on Rollplay I feel I have a better minute to minute understanding of what to do. My 5 year old’s Elf Rogue is called Golden Death and my 7 year old called his Elf Wizard , Wizard. Going to bring their Mum in next session .


Was playing Stars Without Number until April and then switched in a 5E Curse of Strahd campaign.
The mechanical cohesion and character progression in 5E is great. SWON was good, but relies heavily on the Space Master and the players knowing what the want out of the game and each session

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Running a 5e campaign that’s coming up on its second year. Playing in a game of Blades in the Dark and a game of Burning Wheel.

Should we have a sub-category for those looking to play with other rollplay fans? Or something similar?


I think a LFG forum would be great.

Also a general RPG/D&D discussion category would be awesome. I’d love to throw ideas at and talk to other DM’s players about own own campaigns and ideas.


The only worry from our side is that it might end not being a lot of topics in there. That would mean that for it to stay we would want to see it being active. I’m willing to take a chance, since roleplaying is a huge part of this community, but if it ends up being mostly an empty place with no topics or discussion we would have to merge it or remove it.

Does this sound fair?

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Oh absolutely. If it ends up just getting merged into a general/off-topic category thats definitely understandable.

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If you’re worried about lack of content, maybe make it a more general section for community-organized events, not just RP. And since there’s a tag system it won’t be hard to find what you want.

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This is my proposal: We rename “RollPlay Past Shows” to “RollPlay General & Archives”. We make Past Shows a subcategory that still can be used (threads will still show up in the parent category) but have a section of it’s own as well. The main one would be for any and all TTRPG or LFG discussion. This would allow for more topics in one place and a better place for the discussion.

Sort of like this:

RollPlay: General & Archives

A place where you can discuss TTRPG and past shows.

  • Past Shows
  • Balance of Powers

As for gaming events or community organized events they fits perfectly into “itmeJP General” so for now those can still go here.


I just started my first ever GM game this week, in dungeon world. I feel like I fucked a lot up, but the second I ended the session the first words out of my friends mouth were “that was fun” so hopefully that’ll continue! I need to figure out how fronts etc work this weekend.

We just had a fantasy age in space game end, which I think the plan is to play dnd 5e instead of? I got told to think about a character anyway, but no idea when that would happen

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@RolandHuxley Nice I have twin 4.5 year old boys and a 2 year old girl. I can’t wait until they get older to run games for them.


I’m currently running two games. One being a Dungeon World game, we’ve played maybe 5 sessions and have at max another 5 sessions to go, they’re my favorite group to play with and after DW we’ll probably switch to Blades, Burning Wheel, or maybe even Apocalypse World. I also just started running a Stars Without Number game but we’ve only been able to play two sessions.

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atm playing a 5e game 1 session down on that. A SWN game for a few months and a Dungeon World game for 4 sessions.

I am similar to @boostgeek here when I started wanting to be a DM/GM 2 years ago and was researching in how to play 4th edition, not my first choice now at all, but the latest one at that time so I decided newer was better, oh how I was wrong.

5th edition is my current go to and favorite, I run one campaign with it now, have ran loads with it in the past. I have ran and really enjoyed the GM side of Stars Without Number, creating a world and stories in that is fun. And recently have ran a FFG Star Wars campaign, it’s quite constricting if you want to use, or be in line with Star Wars lore.

But @Tahkai11 has it down, 5E is so easy to make your own, you can use the rules as harshly or not to your campaign and players, it’s just like pen & paper tabletop playdough.