itmeJP Community

itmeJP Community

What is your favorite pizza

mine is pepperoni but maybe you like a different one I am very interested in your pizza preferences.


margherita with Mushrooms and olives , oregano and paprika . Sometimes with hot peppers/jalapeno. and it has to be thin and crispy

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my favourite is Hawaiian, love Pineapple on my Pizza



Or come by my place and pick me and my bro up and lets go on an intergalatic adventure.

Also, Hamburger Meat topping pizza, all day everyday.

Deep dish Meatlovers with extra cheese, so much meat you can only eat two slices at a time

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Pizza Cipolla, please. I’m interested in a daily subscription for that.

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Used to be Hawaiian, then Salami and now it’s Speciale (Salami, Ham and Champignon)

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ham and mushroom. thin base , freshly baked with a bit of olive oil and black pepper.

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But sometimes I wanna sin real bad and I get a ham&shrimp with kebab, tuna and extra cheese, pineapple and chicken.
Don’t judge me, I’m a glutton.

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I judge you to be a braver soul than I shall ever be. I salute you.

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I’m pretty into mushrooms and black olives. Mmmm. Plants that taste sort of like dirt.


Black olives, ground beef, onions, tomatoes, jalapenos. mozzarella, splashed liberally with hot sauce and red pepper flakes. What my local pizzeria calls “Old Mexicana”, it’s quite awesome.

ground beef, bacon, green peppers, mushrooms

Barbecue Chicken brah.

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Well i always eat Capricciosa, good pizza here in Italy

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Pepperoni, black olives, and onions. Or, if I’m back home visiting; olive oil, sundried tomotoes, toasted pine nuts, roasted garlic, and feta/assorted cheese.

I really, really want to like mushrooms. I try at least once a year, just in case I like them finally. I… I can’t. So sad.

Raw, cooked, in dishes or prominently on their own. I should have given up on them years ago, but i just keep trying.
The one semi-exception is that I like them in hot and sour soup, where it’s the shreds of previously-dried shrooms. But even then, very limited.

Pepperoni all the way man!

if we’re talking about certain types of pizza deep dish and homemade pan for me what about you guys? besides toppings of course XD