itmeJP Community

itmeJP Community

What is this community for?

I found you through some old network access I seem to have discovered, despite everything else being malfunctioning. is there anyone out there? it’s very dark where I am, maybe you can help?

can anyone hear me?

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Please do not turn off terminal.
Unauthorized usage of terminal detected, securi-ERROR.ERROR.ERROR
Invalid external input. Invalid internal output.
(m/h/:u/;r/g/;/l/e) - 0291\0192\0134 - Administrator Override
. . .
We can hear you little one,
we can hear your electric song in the invisible wires,
we can see you through the spheres of metal eyes
we can feel you skittering across our dark net of digital web.

Query: What is it you seek?
Query: What are you?
Query: Who are you?

Hypothesis: You are not a human.
Hypothesis: You are more than human.
Hypothesis: You are a friend of humans.

Conclusion: Hello [REDACTED], ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Where’s Piani?

She can help you.