itmeJP Community

itmeJP Community

What games should i get?

Hello Itmejp Community, I am going to get an PS4 pro and what wondering what games people would reccomend me getting with it?

I will pick up the new Final Fantasy but are there any other games that I should also get that people have enjoyed?

Thank you for any and all answers

If youve never played the unchartered series you should 100% do that. Also Last of Us remastered.


Can’t agree more. Also just a note the best thing about the series to me is the story telling and characters. The shooting sections are not that great (especially for me who is terrible at console aiming) you can lower the difficulty and experience the story :smiley:

Persona 5 comes out in April. That’s my main interest for the ps4. Of course there’s always Bloodborne as well.

Apparently Ni no Kuni 2 is coming out in 2017 but who knows how long it’ll take to get translated.

edit: Some more stuff I found.

  • Salt and Sanctuary (jp played that on stream a bit) it’s a 2d dark souls
  • Until Dawn - A horror/adventure game
  • I am Setsuna - classic jrpg
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