itmeJP Community

itmeJP Community

Welcome to the wiki section - How to wiki

#Welcome to the wiki section


What’s a wiki post?

A wiki post here is a post that anyone at or above Trust Level 2 can edit. At the same time anyone can see and reply to it as well.

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Creating a wiki topic

Wiki’s are, for the most part, created by users themselves and moved here by staff. You can’t make your topic a wiki but you can request it (use @moderators or @admins to get attention), if deemed a valid wiki topic it will be made such and moved here.

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What if you’re not Trust Level 2?

Anyone can reply to a topic/wiki. That means that you can reply with information that you would want added by posting a reply. It will be seen by everyone that are involved or have made edits. That means that it should be added pretty quickly by someone.

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A. Styling a post

We allow standard HTML, markdown and bbcode. However I would advise to go easy on the HTML since there’s a limit on the amount of characters you can have in a post.

I’ve enabled table structures so you can use those to get sheets and or create old school website structures. No CSS is allowed nor any JavaScript and won’t be recognized by the system. Below I’ll start to list a bunch of different tricks and tips on what you can do.

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a. Anchor points

To create anchor links you can use the following

<a name="anchor"></a>
### [b. Anchor points](#anchor)

This will bring you to this section when you link to it or when you click on it in the index.

You can also create an index/table of contents, like in this topic. You do so by linking to the specific anchor you’ve created. Here I’ve used the following markdown code:

* [a. Anchor points](#anchor)

That creates a list item with a link. Within the [a. Anchor points] brackets is the name of the link and in the parentheses (#anchor) is the link. In this case I’m linking to the anchor I created earlier. This allows that to link down to the anchor.

For some reason this dosen’t always work. We (the community) are trying to figure out why that is and if you have an idea please do add it in the replies.

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a. Images

You can copy and paste in any image URL (even imgur urls) and it will embed it for you automatically. You can also upload images but we’ve put a hard limit on the size of the files uploaded, so be aware.

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This in itself is a wiki post so if you have any tips (and are at Trust Level 2) do add in your own. If you’re not but still want to add something write a reply.