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Vein Types & Elements? (CoS E140A GM Prep Spoils)

From Adam’s discussion around the different primordial elements, he referenced the Inner Planes and equated the Positive Plane to the Fountain and the Negative Plane to The Void. Using that idea, I was initially curious about how the Dragons interacted with this. but then realized, that “Void-Touched” planes (the quasi-negative planes that is) have already been seen – these are veins!

The Vein that the PCs left the Void from was a Vein of Ash! Fire-touched Void Realm! With literal and metaphorical ashes of things long burnt, the vein showed all qualities of being Ash.

I’m curious, what do y’all think the other Vein types might look like? They’d be akin to:

  • Vacuum (Air+Void)
  • Salt (Water+Void)
  • Dust (Earth+Void)
  • Ash (Fire-Void)

Additionally, does this imply a reverse for the Fountain-touched planes? Would we expect to see quasi-positive veins from the Fountain? I would imagine that Heaven sealed most of those away, but you never know…

Given that D&D kind of really likes the 4-element style its a bit limiting towards the setting, the 5 elements and how they interact would be interesting.

Here’s some thoughts on those elements using the same Void Aspects:

  • Petrification (Wood+Void)
  • Ash (Fire+Void)
  • Dust (Earth+Void)
  • Rust (Metal+Void) (Max’s Favorite Plane!)
  • Salt (Water+Void)

Additionally, I think if we looked at the 5-Elements style of “good interaction” and “counter-action” we could find hybrid elemental planes that would be just as interesting as the way the inner planes are set-up in the “4 main elements” idea. I’ve filled asterik’ed(*) ones that existed from the 4-style.

Positive Interaction:

  • Life? (Water-Wood) (This seems bland)
  • Hearth (Wood-Fire) (taken from that Aspect of Imix)
  • Magma (Fire-Earth)*
  • Minerals (Earth-Metal)
  • Lightning? (Metal-Water) (This is a stretch)

Negative Interaction

  • Oil (Water-Fire)
  • Dross (Fire-Metal)
  • Poison (Metal-Wood)
  • Coal (Wood-Earth)
  • Ooze (Earth-Water)*

Anyway, what do y’all think? Have other ideas on how these plane interactions might work? Really curious to hear! How would you introduce like “Shadow” or “Radiance”?


I think this is a very cool idea, but I would also point you to the episode 112 prep, where Adam discusses veins. They are definitely flavored, though!


o yeah, I remember some of the previous discussions about veins. Just thought thinking about Veins from the “Inner Planes” perspective super interesting and slightly different from the previous conversation on Veins… or did I miss/remember something? hmmm :-/ Always an excuse to re-watch! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Really cool ideas, here.
I love it.


I’m just glad I found a way to give you the option to banish Max’s PC to a Plane of Rust that could work in your cosmology :stuck_out_tongue:


makes note to self to go look into planescape pdfs to mine for ideas

Additionally, does this imply a reverse for the Fountain-touched planes? Would we expect to see quasi-positive veins from the Fountain? I would imagine that Heaven sealed most of those away, but you never know…

Ok, so a bit of a tangent, but the conversation about “Quasi-positive” elemental planes makes the think that if Mara-Warlocks are effectively one end of a Vein (mediated by a Mara) as previously established on a Void arc prep stream, it would make sense then that a “Celestial Warlock” would be the end of a Fountain-Vein mediated by a member of the Beurocracy of Heaven? Similar could be true of a Divine Soul Sorcerer just without the involvement of a Heaven Beurocrat?

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That is a really interesting idea I hadn’t thought of! COOL. Yeah. I know Adam’s mentioned in the past that sorcerors have like an “internal fount” but that sounds… exactly like his description of warlocks using Void Energy… huh. Very very interesting. strokes beard in evil GM manner

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