I’m someone that actually uses twitch.uservoice.com. I’m not 100% certain even the regulars of Dropped Frames know what this site is as so few people actually take their time and post suggestions to twitch instead of just being an angry sheepling on reddit or chat.
For those that don’t know what uservoice is for, it is for leaving suggestions for Twitch for them to implement. Then you can browse suggestions from other users, vote and comment on them. On general suggestions one has limited amounts of votes but on other areas you can vote on any number of ideas one deems worthy. For a while general feedback has been dominated by suggestions to allow the streaming of restricted games.
Why i bring all of this up is that i feel like this could be something that could be picked up as an quick topic on DF. Many things are suggested here that are talked about on the show but they never realize as real feedback. In today’s world you need to handle pretty much everything with “tickets” of some sort.
This is a good example of a suggestion that got a response on the same day, so they actually read and response to these. These suggestions that get to be planned and possibly implemented have only less than ten votes. By driving attraction to issues that one cares about you really don’t need to get handful of people interested on it for Twitch to take notice on it.
Just my two cents, nothing more nothing less.