itmeJP Community

itmeJP Community

Twitch beta/test programs

Does anyone know if there is a way to know if you are inserted in to a twitch beta/test program early on? I usually tend to get the new features early on and i would like to know when there is new stuff to test. Why i’m asking this now is because i’m not sure but i might have had communities open for a while before they were announced. :confused:

I’m not just sure of this, but i’m thinking of this because i use Finnish overlay and the communities button is not translated but pops up as “Browse Communities” and i think i remember seeing it before. I just didn’t bother with it as i taught it had something to do with the Friends system(no stalkerino please) as it also was not translated for a while and they have similar looking icons for the buttons.

Twitch doesn’t seem to send you any notification that you have been selected to a test or anything. Not getting any notification feels a bit weird and i’m thinking that i might be missing something. Also having early access to Communities sounds doubly weird, but at this point i’m not just sure and would like to know in the future where i can see if i’m added to a test group. I often hear about new features floating about on Dropped Frames and then notice that i have them. :expressionless: &

Basically that is where software dev’s find out about Twitch beta / New features

You and me both :wink:

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You might have ended up in a A/B testing group. Meaning that you wouldn’t get a notification. Since they probably want to study it without certain influences.

For some features they do send notifications. Either an email or a notification when you go to the site. I got the beta for the new browse tab a bit back but there was no way to provide feedback.

They also use the Creative section a lot for beta testing things.

Also the Finnish population is the friendliest subset of users on Twitch, according to the 2016 Twitch stats.

Stay friendly my Finnish neighbour.

Lol well that is an interesting statistic. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the answers. Seems like there isn’t much that one can do to be more informed about these things. At least i’m not really missing anything obvious.