itmeJP Community

itmeJP Community

The order of the categories and what categories

We’re trying to figure out how to order the categories here. Here’s the options that we currently have (feel free to comment with more options):

  • The way we have it now where everything has it’s own parent category.
  • Parent categories (RollPlay) and child categories (Court of Swords) etc. That combined with additional categories like Dropped Frames and Fan Creations will be their own categories.
  • One RollPlay category, with all disussion in one sub-category.

Let us know what you think would be the best option

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I like the idea of the categories, however I would rather that they were along the top of the page rather than down the side. I have a standard 1920 x 1080 monitor and I had to scroll to see the last two. Having them tab format along the top would be better QoL in my opinion.

The ‘new, top etc.’ should be the dropdown, not the categories.

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There’s a few options that could work for but I’ll have to investigate when I’m back at my desktop. Having the parent child relation would cut down on the scrolling. However the latest tab does invite people to interact and post so I’ll see if there’s not a good solution for both.

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Subcategories would help make browsing the forum easier imo. An example that came to mind would be a subcategory in the main show categories for Q&As to make them easy to find, since a lot of people don’t use search tools (for some reason).


I agree with you in terms of tidiness of it all. A concern would be that all the content might be distributed too much between subcategories. But I guess the overview(with its ‘Latest’, ‘New’, ‘Unread’ and ‘Top’ tabs) on the landing page tab kind of counteracts that.

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First of all great feedback! We’ve talked about having Q&A in their own Q&A Archive sub-category in RollPlay General as they cool down and that might be an option. Another would be to use a tag… but I don’t really know what tag to use for Q&A since characters like “&” gets remove. So unless there’s a good tag we’ll probably go with moving them to an archives sub-category.


Perhaps QnA? Shortening the “and” down to just an “n”, like people do with D&D :slight_smile:

I do agree that QnA would look good but it would end up being qna since uppercase letters are turned to lowercase ones :itmejpsad:

Oh :itmejpsad: Perhaps a separate subcategory is best then. It’s difficult to make the tags visually appealing with only lower case letters :itmejps:

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