itmeJP Community

itmeJP Community

The Last Word Faction Sheet

We humbly offer in respect the faction sheet we used to include The Last Word in our campaign:

The Last Word
A group of strange assassins with a bent for the supernatural and a mysterious agenda.
Tier: II S
Faction Clock: Exact revenge upon Lord Scurlock 12; Restore Carriless’ Power 10
Turf: an old library in Brightstone (HQ, hidden)
NPCs: Carriless Firm (Cutter, daring, cold, strange, Tycherosi). Vana Cattaby (Spider, cunning, subtle, charismatic, striking). Aldo (Cutter, educated, sophisticated, brawler, loyal). Rune (Whisper, arcane, immature, ruthless, moody).
Notable Assets: A cohort of Hollow Knights. A spectral ghost-dog named Myth. A group of rabble rousers known as the Green Vests. When The Last Word kills someone the death bells do not ring.
Quirks: Carriless Firm was once a Sky Demon stripped of his power and immortality by Setarra.
Allies: The Church of Ecstasy, The Forgotten Gods, The Dimmer Sisters, The Lost
Enemies: Lord Scurlock, Spirit Wardens, The Circle of Flame, The Path of Echoes
Situation: The Last Word is involved in some strange conspiracy agenda to remove members of certain gangs, and acquire ancient arcane artifacts. They seek to bring Lord Scurlock and the demon Setarra low and care not for any obstacles in their path. They continually seek to challenge the hold and power of the Spirit Wardens and other powers that be.