itmeJP Community

itmeJP Community

Swansong why is it gone

New user here. i know that swan song has been canceled but when i realized this the redit was already banned. why did the show have to cancel!!!1

After the final episode, Steven had already explained that he was leaving the show due to a lack of time he could dedicate to a full time job, DMing the West Marches, and be on Swan Song. Rather than replace him with a new cast member, and continue that story, JP and the remaining cast felt it would be best to end it on the fantastic and conclusive final episode.

Hope this helps!


On your 4th point @Jabba_the_space_gangster: I took that as “We’re stopping Swan Song for now. We may revisit that universe but we have no plans at the moment.”

That might just be my hopeful foresight though :itmejphappy:

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To be fair, Dark Heresy was going to make a return, but Steven, at the time, was too busy to run that as well as everything else he was doing. So never say never. It just depends on where everyone is at the time when the idea of bringing Swan Song back comes around again.

Also TB’s heath was a factor.

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everything i love is disappearing. what campaigns is IncontroL playing in?

He is currently in Blades in the Dark. Also made a guest appearance on Court of Swords

between him, jp, ryan, and wheat they are all the funniest of the groups and make it worth watching. and steven got really funny with erik

after a single show i would add day9tv to that list XD

And Jesse Cox. The man’s a riot.