itmeJP Community

itmeJP Community

Swan Song update request

I’ve been out of the loop for a while. I was under the impression Swan Song would start up again soon. Can anyone update me?`
Thanks in advance

Swan Song is done. It will not start up again.

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Noooo really? When was that announced?

That was the week before the Patreon announcement, I think. One of the videos that were released at that time.

Must’ve missed it. Can’t seem to find it…
Can you remember the reason given?

Yes sorry mate it has ended everything has to come to an end. There’s a Swan Song Stories that you can check out but it had a very limited run. There’s a posts about it on the old sub-reddit that you can read since there was no video made about it IIRC but only a text post.

I’m going to close this thread in a bit since the question have been answered.