itmeJP Community

itmeJP Community

[Suggestion] WIKI section?!

yes, that worked :thumbsup:

index for one-shots version tonight… lunch break is over :itmejpded:

@DealerUmbra mentioned in the CoS wiki about whether the Wiki should be in the wiki section or in the show section.
(applies to the blades wiki as well)
What is the general feeling on this?

best solution, in my opinion, would be to display those pages in both categories… maybe it’s possible to have a “ghost entry” in the show sections that links to the wiki section entry?

I don’t think discourse supports multiple categories per thread. Tags are used for that instead.

how about a seperate entry that instead of itself having content, is a link to the other one?

That could be a solutions. A locked topic in the show category that links to the wiki or something like that.

Depends on if people see it as helpful or clutter.

I was hoping for a link in the topic list, not a new topic with a link in it…

I don’t think that is possible. Also no links in the category descriptions which is what I thought you meant intitally

I’d leave it in the wiki section, then, and don’t bother with a second topic just for linking purpose. that would clutter the topic list, I think!