Hello, I´m a Patreon backer and if im not remembering wrong JP was asking at one point if there were anything he could add to the Patreon goals?
Well, I have an idea. What if we could get some content in the breaks? 5-10min breaks is usually the typical Rollplaysongs by Drumurboy (and others) while having a background that is related to the show.
That´s great, however, you could develop that even further,for example get someone like MarkWester to do some character art/world? art and DrumurBoy to do the background music. Each castmember would get a 1-2min screentime where they can get some PR, either with their character in game with a bit of social media contacts on screen or something similar.
I know MarkWester and Drumurboy has been doing this stuff (for free, unless im mistaken?) because they´re fans but to pay them for this would be a nice way for the community to “pay back” through Patreon.