Survey here.
The current results of the survey are here.
Some really interesting stuff;
- Most people watch 1-2 streamed or podcast rpg shows weekly.
- Most people are either engaged & like community participation or don’t engage at all, with very few disliking it.
- Most watch streamed RPG content all in one sitting, and the plurality prefer 2-4 hrs worth of content but the numbers are very close. In general folks are looking for 1-4 hrs of content.
- The single highest rated things that get people interested and keep watching rpg shows are good audio, the players, and the characters.
- The vast majority (77% as of right now!) prefer a mix of mechanics crunch and free-form roleplay.
- The number one reason other than being unable to keep up with viewing for people to stop watching is player (not character!) in-fighting.
- People are looking for both non-D&D games, and more diverse play groups.