Would be great if that is available on the forums for the people would like to discuss shows, and also not spoil it for others who have not watched it yet or are still waiting for the episodes to get uploaded to youtube in full.
[spoiler] I think it exists already… It’s just not int editor if that’s the case. [/spoiler]
Nope that didn’t work…
Edit2: So it should work but there might be a server issue with it. @Crosseye_Jack can you look into it?
Does this work? Yes!
Nice thank you
[spoiler]testing to check the tag[/spoiler]
Haha probably should be a bit clearer about that.
You have to go in under the cogwheel and use “Hide Details”
or use
[details=Summary]This text will be hidden[/details]
oh I see it now thank you again
its in the cog under hide details
Spoiler example
The world is round
It’s a different kind of spoiler tag, that plug-in makes the text blurry and uses the [spoiler] tag and not the [hide] tag like the one you are using now. It’s just a tip if you want to have that kind of spoiler here.
[spoiler]this is not a spoiler. Superman lives :-o [/spoiler]
EDIT Yeah I had already added the plugin, just needed to restart it
Totally not a spoiler...
[spoiler]You can also put a spoiler in a details tag if you want to be extra annoying[/spoiler]
Just need to update your posts for any old spoiler tags to take effect. Didn’t go though the DB and change any in there as I doubt there can be many on the site atm and i’m a lazy bum :-p
Holy crap this is awesome