I was thinking, whats all the known facts of the Farang so far. Can you help me collect all the facts?
It would bee cool to get information if the fact is from the GM turn or the live play and what episode it’s from.
Feal free to tinker, but be clear if its a theory or fact.
This thread will most likely be spoiler heavy, so be warned to enter.
The first mention of what could possibly be the Farang comes in the very first hour of Court of Swords.
A rumour was growing of a race of supposedly immortal creatures. These ethereal, long-eared beings were reportedly beautiful but had the nasty habit of driving people from their homes and building structures out of the living wood of the jungle. Whether they were a threat or not, no-one knew, but there seemed to be more and more of them as the seasons went on…
They’re tall, thin, long pointed ears with faintly glowing pupil-less white eyes.
The Farang is foreigners from a different world
Two factions in war with each other (Gold and Silver)
They speak elvish
Beetles surround them (sapphire and gold) Constructs from a delicate craftsmanship
Pyramids and Polygons is conected to them
There was one being trapped in a crystal that also emitted a comforting tone. It granted visions and powers to the party
When Sali cast Identify on the Apology and Berg, they had a void in the center of them, which had a similar description to the gold beetles in Utrix’s throne room
They use Psychic powers instead of magic and they are extra vulnerable to psyonic damage.
They emit nostalgic emotions to people and may appear like someone you want to see.
A (Silver?) Farang is leechig on Bergs soul, the dark passanger is named Tulpa and have made a deal with Berg.
Kalimat let one out of it’s prison in Utrix’s lair (Golden?)
The Farang feads on other energies like the magic from the Fountain
Bergs gift from the Farang transformed from life stealing to psyonic.
Azriels gift from the Farang was an owl named Balder. The owl was later spoted in the basement of the house of the falcon amongst some vampires. He did even have some contact with Zhiva in visions. (Why??)
They use hi-tech full-plate armour shaped like an insect that are equiped with wings and can fly. (and maybe armour and vehicles shaped like squids?)
They got self-destruction wired in to their armour. And they appear to not be immune to their armour self-destruction, even if they are also wearing armour
They use magic dampener beacons and they hesitate leaving their areas of effect. When the beacons gets destroyed their armours need to reboot.
They are outside the fountains influence and their soul doesn’t work as the souls in the known world
The Farang began invading the city of brass about the same time as Utrix fell. The invading forces seems to be of the opposite faction of Tulpa
The Heavens knew that the invasion was a possibility beforehand.
Tulpa transformed The apology of emperor Fei into a new crystal weapon named Tulpa’s Conduit, witch appear to be non affected of the Farags anti-magic zones.