itmeJP Community

itmeJP Community


This will be a discussion thread of Black Mirror filled with spoilers especially of the current season that just released on Netflix today.

I’ve only seen the first two episodes Nosedive and Playtest so far since Netflix borked from the DDoS attacks. So far Nosedive is my favorite and it’s the most topical for today as I see a bunch of people going crazy over not being able to Tweet about their day.

Thoughts on the season so far or as a whole?

Wait there’s new Black Mirror episodes? :itmejpwtf: How did I not know about this? Getting TFO to avoid spoilers, will return when I’ve watched the eps :itmejpsoon:

San Junipero got me all emotional :itmejps:

San Junipero was so good! So different from a “typical” Black Mirror episode. Playtest was my personal favorite from this season.

Just a friendly reminder (not reading the thread just in case, I’ve not watched any of it yet) that we have a spoiler tag.

[spoiler]If any of you spoil it for me I will set my kitty on you…[/spoiler]

Its on the toolbar when you write a message. Its the magic wand. It is also under the gear menu (the orig place, but we wanted it on the toolbar so I left it in both places for now).

“Would you kindly open the door”

I see what you did there writers, I see what you did there. :itmejptip:

Just watched esp4, good esp.

[spoiler]Shame that in reality it will be fucked up by lawyers[/spoiler]

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