itmeJP Community

itmeJP Community

RollPlay Doodle

Here’s a little doodle I did of the RollPlay logo.
Was able to get some of the cast to sign it whilst I was at PaxSouth!
Also this was done on a 3DS.


I see JP, Max, Jesse and Anne. Who are the other two?

Adam and someone who can’t write :stuck_out_tongue:

I wonder who that IKEA loving person could be

Does that green name start with a W?

The green name looks like Wheat?

That would be Crendor lol

It does. For wowcrendor… his signature is just so bad lol.

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LOL that is so funny and fitting for Crendor. Not even going to ask why it looks like there is a y at the end. Crendor :heart:

Not the first signature from him I’ve gotten where the more I look at it the more I don’t understand it lol. But it is so Crendor of him😂


nice! how was pax south?

Adam’s signature is so clean, so awesome! :itmejpcrit: