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itmeJP Community

[RollPlay: Blades Q&A] Episode 1: The Trial Run

zeke, despite having had very little involvement in the job knocked it out of the park - working class cutter with a pretty spot on peaky blinder accent and sense for the fine arts - great stuff

Anne’s scene in the pub (leaky bucket, was it?) was pretty nice as well imo

now if goeff dials down the silly a notch this might really be quite promising (then again he didnt decapitate ppl with his rapier/arrows which must have taken a lot of willpower - I guess I can ask only so much)


Oh god, Shakespeare Geoff was the best


For me Nothing should be dialed down for Geoff’s character. LOVE it


I discovered Rollplay towards the end of the Swan Song and Mirrorshades runs (which were great), and I’ve enjoyed all the one-shots so far, especially Dogs in the Vineyard, but I have to say that this show makes me the most excited. From the character creation, to the art, to the first show, I’m so excited to see what comes next.


The main setting and situation influences are:

  • The Vlad Taltos books by Steven Brust (Jhereg, Yendi, Teckla, etc.)
  • The Wire (tv show, by David Simon et al.)
  • Peaky Blinders (tv show, by Steven Knight et al.)
  • Narcos (tv show, by Chris Brancato, Carlo Bernard, and Doug Miro, et al.)
  • Thief: The Dark Project, and sequels (video game, by Looking Glass Studios)
  • Dishonored (video game, by Arkane Studios)

Game system influences are:

  • Talislanta, by Steve Sechi
  • Apocalypse World, by Vincent Baker and Meg Baker
  • Burning Wheel, by Luke Crane

Plus probably the other 207 rpgs I’ve played. They all taught me something. :slight_smile:


JP will announce the regular day and time soon. Check out the calendar here to keep up to date.


Hey John, a question about timelines. Are characters and actions from Arcy/Cantor/Oskar’s time in Duskwall present, or are all their effects on the setting an alternate reality? Like, since Anne/Rune has a problem with a certain Scurrlocke, is there any chance it is Oskarr and that we are in the past or the future for the red blades, or is it just [spoiler]Creepy Vampire Lord Scurrlocke[/spoiler]? Thanks for running the show, looking forwards to the next one.

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Yep, you can stretch a mission over multiple sessions if you need to. The game structure of mission -> downtime - > mission is flexible. Sometimes missions are very fast and downtime is long. Other times missions are long and downtime is fast. The group can choose each time to spend their time on what they care about more.


I cant answer for John Harper of course but I ld assume he was being generous, given it was the first trial run so to speak - that being said Blades seems to favor moving ahead/succeeding, and giving the opportunity to make up badass/devious ways of solving a problem rather than outright failing. In the end it very much depends on what the GM and the players feel are appropriate consequences and complications, since those are rather loosely defined in my (limited) experience

which can be a blessing or a curse

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Yes, this was a bit of a tutorial session to get everyone used to the game. Next time, they’ll get the hit-list from Irimina and it will up to them to track the targets, discover their vulnerabilities, and execute the missions they want to do. If this group is like most Blades groups, their personal stories will really come to the forefront, as well.


I can’t honestly put into words how amazing and in love with this new show I am. The cast, @AnneMunition @iNcontroLTV @Ezekiel_III and @djWHEAT, make this game inspiring, to want to improve my own role playing abilities and to see how high that bar is set. @itmeJP I can see the hard work and dedication to these shows that you have and the time and effort that you pour into them really shines through with a jaw dropping performance like tonight. @OneSevenDesign having a great set of players is one thing but there is nothing without the creativity and love that a GM puts into a world and setting, without a doubt anybody that watched tonight can see this world and feel as if they were there. To all of you a part of this community i thank you for being there to share this with me I couldn’t ask for better. :itmejpheart:

I have one question for you John, i was wondering where i could get inspiration for a setting like this? I want to absorb more knowledge about this world, lore, and setting.


Blades is about to be completed (end of next month) and then go to print. The Early Access quickstart that’s available now is not the full game, but it will be updated to the completed project once it’s done.

All the mechanics are complete. I might still adjust a number here or there, but the playtesting phase is over.


What a great first episode ! Can’t wait to see where it goes from here.

John, what are the chances we could get some more Blades inspired wallpapers (i.e.your version of ^Shipping on the Clyde is awesome)?

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You’ll have to watch to find out! Can’t give anything away. :slight_smile:


Ah ha! Someone has an eye for fine art. :wink: Bravo.

I’ll definitely be making more wallpapers. There’s a google doc folder for them here:


I have to say, I wasn’t sure about Blades, beforehand. There are a lot of places in the quickstart rules where I wanted more meat on the mechanics. But I really liked how when dice were rolled, the scene always progressed. Dice just said whether or not it went well or poorly for them, but it always went forward.

I agree, when I read the quickstart rules (especially early versions) my impression was always, "Well, it has a lot of potential."

Now that I’ve played and GM’d the system, I adore it. I feel like the mechanics do this amazing job of generating action and creating interesting moments, without feeling like they ever get in the way of things.

There are still some parts which feel too undefined, but the system has enough internal consistency that I feel comfortable as a GM making a judgment call and going from there.


Judgment calls are there by design. Blades is meant to be a game that you hone into your group’s preferred style. It’s a bit unorthodox in RPG design, but it’s something I’m passionate about.


I have read the rules, so my reaction when everybody was like “TPK on first session”, I am thinking to myself, nah, this game doesn’t really work like that.

Then Jeff mentions to Anne “I will deliver Lord Scurrlock to you!”

Ok, this group might make that TPK happen :smile:


Thanks John! Super-Hype that you’ve joined the Rollplay crew.


Judgment calls are there by design. Blades is meant to be a game that you hone into your group’s preferred style. It’s a bit unorthodox in RPG design, but it’s something I’m passionate about.

Yeah, now that I’m used to it (coming from years of Shadowrun where there is one right answer, even if it requires a flowchart to find it), I really love the Blades balance of direction + openness.

The flexibility to adapt to group styles is amazing. When i’ve run different groups, the tone, type/weight of consequences, different use of progress clocks, etc. seem to change naturally to match the group dynamics.

The groups are all playing Blades in the Dark, but the each have a very unique feel. At least on the GM side, it keeps me interested in running more games because each feels different.

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