So there was some questionning about the Multiattack Readied Action on EP9 Q&A, so let’s clear all of that GMing Lawyering shall we
The Rule Lawyering
PHB p.193 : “you can take the Ready action on your turn so that you can
act later in the round using your reaction (…) you choose the action
you will take in response to that trigger”
So the reaction is used for the trigger and it activates the action (in this situation, it’s an attack p.192)
It is explained that for a spell, the casting time must be of an action, therefore the type of action of the Ready Attack is a standard action.
Now let’s take a look at the Extra Attack descr. of the PC p.72 under the Fighter Class Feature List.
“Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of
once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.”
So when it’s my turn to act, I can use the Attack action and use Extra Attack. But if I use the Ready Action on my turn, it is not technically the Attack action.
If I trigger the Attack action later, it won’t be on my turn it will be on the turn of the ennemie that triggers the action.
Let’s see if it apllies for monsters.
MM p.11 under Mutliattack
“A creature that can make multiple attacks on its
turn has the Multiattack ability. A creature can’t use
Multiattack when making an opportunity attack, which
must be a single melee attack.”
##Let Me Stop You Right Here Sir
I too disagree with this rule. When Legolas shoot 3 arrows in 6sec, if he waits for an ennemy, ofc he can shoot them 3 times. Espacially if they suddendly see an elf with a bow drawn. “Yes but if the ennemie is moving it’s harder” Let me stop you right here sir, in a combat people don’t just stay still when it’s not their turn. It is reflected by their AC.
So that is the logic thought process.
But their is a mechanical thought process about balance to. And it’s about … MAGIC
If a wizard Ready a Finger of Death and use his turn at Full capacity, why would the Hand to Hand PCs/Monsters cannot do that too ? “Spells use resources” Okay yeah, what about Eldritch Blast mutli rays ?
Playing a Hand to Hand Class is boring enough I think, and if we want to make powerful strategies let’s not nerf the only action that is 50% of the strats you can make
And with that said, let’s all agree that with that houserule, MOAR will occur on Surprise rounds and Retreat Strats
Now for all the Hardcore By the Rule Roleplayers, you’re right. It is writen down, in a strange manner as always, but it’s there.
What are your thoughts on Houseruling in game, with obscur rules like this ?
If you have unexperienced players, would you explain this specific houserule beforehand or would you show them in game ?
What do you think about the balance mechanic for the Ready Action ? (I’m no Gamedesigner so y’know)