itmeJP Community

itmeJP Community

Question to jp, Kinda personal, but qualified to answer

I was an original watcher of roleplay, and watched cohh before that. As a result been a long time dropped frames viewer and follower of the channel in general.
Been dating my bf fore a year. I knew he was divorced and had a son and a daughter he however told me I would not meet them. Said that was part of his life off limits. Fine by me. When it was his custody nights I just was not around.

This thanks giving he introduced me to his kids… They are cool and well behaved. It was a good time. Clearly a step forward in the relationship. He invited me to Christmas as well, so clearly I passed the approval test. I never saw myself as a parent. I feel like you are in a similar situation. How do you know your partner is the right one. That their shit goes with yours, that you can co-parent with them. That that is what you are meant to do??? I mean I love him,. But the kids thats another level. I don’t want to fuck up them… I don’t want to make a mistake with them and they end up screwed up. Their his kids I want them to be the best they can be. I’m not sure that means me. How do you know they are the one. Just been struggling with it. I know that this is a real question. Just figured your in close to the same situation so I wondered what your thoughts were.

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Stumbled upon this post at 4AM. General rule of thumb: don’t ask public figures private questions in a public space. Also, admins deleted this but I un-deleted it! But, I will lock it once I respond (as soon as I figure out how to do that)!

Also, this doesn’t mean for everyone to ask me about my private life. I keep it private for a reason, so respect that.

Anyways! Thoughts on the post:

You aren’t the kids parent, so unless your partner asks or wants your advice on raising their kid, don’t give it! If they do, then talk with your partner about the boundaries here. You and your significant other should know and agree on this moving forward. Also, chances are you’re not going to make any lasting impressions on the kids until your partner is ready for you to make lasting impressions on them.

Keep in mind though, this doesn’t mean you can’t help out or be around the kids. Shared lives means you share the past, present, and future with someone; kids fall into this category! If the idea of being around a kid 24/7 when you’re with your partner is scary, then maybe you should have a conversation with them about it.

In the end though, if you’re happy with this person, you’ll make it work. If not, you’ll move on. There is no secret to knowing when you’ve found the right person except that you know how you feel when you feel it.

Hope this gives you a sense of clarity in some form, if not, I tried! Good luck!

It’s 4AM, going to sleep!