Hey thanks! Combat is a ton of mini-stories in a chain! It’s really fun to describe each hit and miss!
I’m really relieved that most people aren’t too angry about the webcam. I am terrified of camera’s and not having to use a camera was a HUGE relief.
I feel disappointed that the audience may have lost the sense of suspension, but my focus was to have the players/characters deal with a sense of suspension and anxiety about their opposition, more so. Hiding and showing rolls is one of those DnD rules that is up to DM discretion (I highly recommed getting your hands on a 5e Dungeon Master’s Guide, and checking out pg 235-236 for the benefits of both types of rolling!)
It’s just a preference, and for myself specifically, I value a hidden roll over a seen one! The less you know about something the scarier it is!
Thank you for checking out the one-shot!