Oddballs stats for 2018
Total number of rolls
- MorganWebb: 197
- CinnamonToastKen: 227
- Octopimp: 179
- ElspethEastman: 224
Total number of dice lost due to conditions
- MorganWebb: 0
- CinnamonToastKen: 41
- Octopimp: 77
- ElspethEastman: 8
Total number of rolls with no dice at all
- MorganWebb: 0
- CinnamonToastKen: 14
- Octopimp: 22
- ElspethEastman: 10
Average number of dice per roll
- MorganWebb: 5.41
- CinnamonToastKen: 5.54
- Octopimp: 4.45
- ElspethEastman: 4.27
Chance to roll a '6' per dice
- MorganWebb: 16.7%
- CinnamonToastKen: 18.0%
- Octopimp: 18.4%
- ElspethEastman: 18.2%
Success rate
- MorganWebb: 57.9%
- CinnamonToastKen: 62.1%
- Octopimp: 50.3%
- ElspethEastman: 55.8%
Interesting facts:
- Despite having the highest rate of rolling sixes, Octo has the lowest success rate. Probably due to rolling 77 times without any dice at all.
- Morgan has never had a condition so far.
- Ken had the best roll so far in week 16 with 5 sixes out of 6 dice.
- Elspeth had the longest success streak with 12 consecutive successful rolls in weeks 9-11
- Octo had the longest fail streak with 9 failed rolls (but just 23 dice rolled total) in a row in week 16
- In week 19, Elspeth managed to roll 32 dice in a row without getting a single six (44 dice if we include rerolls). That has a 0.29% chance of happening (0.03% if we include rerolls).