itmeJP Community

itmeJP Community

New arc and beginners/restarting

So for a number of reasons my CoS watching fell off after the last live show.

Is this next episode with the start of the halloween arc be a good restarting point, or a good starting point for anyone new? (I will get around towatching the old ones some time)

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IIRC, it’s going to be similar to the arc with Cinnamon Toast Ken - will take place in an area/time that’s unrelated with the main cast, but is meant to fill out the world and it’s happenings. How much of a “good (re)starting point” it is kind of depends on when/where the main cast starts in the new season.

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You can definitely start watching this arc without needing any prior knowledge and thoroughly enjoy it. I would recommend watching this one, it will be fun.

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Thanks guys. Time to get back into it.

Then after the arc i’ll work out the next best step (catch up or continue)


I’d say you can jump in after the Halloween intermezzo no problem. Spoiler: [spoiler] JP will play a new character, so there will be some sort of introduction anyway I would assume.[/spoiler] And it’s not like there are constant references to past events that you need to be aware of in order to follow what’s happening.