itmeJP Community

itmeJP Community

More detailed countdown

On the old schedule the countdowns would not only show days (or whatever the greatest unit is at the time), but also hours and minutes. That was very useful as instead of dealing with timezones I could just calculate the time myself. At least for me, knowing the number of days until the show isn’t nearly as useful as knowing if it is on EU-friendly time, so I always check the time first and then the day.

I would love to have this feature back as it is very useful to quickly approximate when the show starts for me. Thanks for reading!

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You don’t happen to be in the EU?

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Yeah, I’m in Sweden. I’m just lazy and think it is easier to take a quick glance at the countdowns in the sidebar than clicking the show and making sure I have the right timezone configured :slight_smile: My main point is that a lot of the usefulness of the countdowns (at least for me) are the numbers of hours and minutes left, as those are the ones that tell you if the show is on a friendly time.

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The sidebar should be the same as the timezone you set in the bottom right. But I’ll talk with the developer when he’s back around.

[spoiler]Haha klart att du är Svensk, tänkte bara inte på namanet haha[/spoiler]

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