itmeJP Community

itmeJP Community

Maps in Court of Swords

Where does Adam get the maps for CoS? I am new to roll 20 and want to use maps like that for my campaign. Are they resources provided for subscribers of roll 20 or does he get them from somewhere else?

i think adam gets his maps from the marketplace on roll20

At some point, I’m going to take all my notes about locations in CoS and put together a proper map. For now, though, all the tactical maps come direct from the Roll20 Marketplace!

Speaking of maps, would you ever show us a world map if you have one?

All of the maps I use in my own game come from the marketplace and I’ve definitely noticed some of Gabriel Pickard’s maps used in sessions of CoS. He’s an amazing creator and has LOTS of map pack, tokens, pre-done maps while also offering “modular” versions of the maps so you can create your own! Highly recommend his stuff.

Thanks for the help guys! I will look into the marketplace maps tonight.