itmeJP Community

itmeJP Community

Knights of the round kitchen table

A little article from NRK (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation) about RPGs and their raising popularity: Google translate link (haven’t checked it, but Google translate usually does a good, not prefect, job of translating Norwegian into English). Ingress:

For over 40 years, mercenaries and magicians gathered in basements, cellars and around kitchen tables. In recent years it has become popular to broadcast roleplaying session for the entire digital world.

It’s mainly aimed at the general public, so for us in here it’s not all that news worthy and Rollplay isn’t mentioned, but it has an interesting stat:

In 2015 3200 people broadcast 67 000 hours of D&D content.

Not sure if that is actual D&D content or that D&D is used as a metaphor for RPGs, or where all of this is broadcast (as in only Twitch? Twitch + YT? Across all kinds of platforms?), still that is a lot and I wonder what the stats for 2016 is.
WotC also confirms that they have had an increase in sales numbers, but not what those numbers are.

– De gamle kjøper gjerne mer obskure spill, siden de har alle de andre fra før, forklarer han.

For some reason I like buying the super old Swedish cyberpunk RPG Mutant. I own 5 copies of it at the moment and a few of the adventures.

I like that the article goes in and interviews someone that runs a brick-and-mortar as well. Rather than only publishers and online stores.