Far Verona - Season 1 stats
1. Skill rolls
Total number of skill rolls
- AnneMunition: 119
- ThatBronzeGirl: 120
- SherlockHulmes: 126
- GassyMexican: 147
Average skill score (0 points for 6- rolls, 1 point for 7-9 rolls, 2 points for 10+ rolls)
- AnneMunition: 1.143
- ThatBronzeGirl: 1.075
- SherlockHulmes: 0.984
- GassyMexican: 0.898
Average skill roll result
- AnneMunition: 8.403
- ThatBronzeGirl: 8.217
- SherlockHulmes: 7.944
- GassyMexican: 7.762
Successful assists given/attempts
- AnneMunition: 14/16
- ThatBronzeGirl: 12/18
- SherlockHulmes: 14/18
- GassyMexican: 9/13
Assists given/assists received
(Discrepancy between total number of assists given/received due to assists received by NPCs)
- AnneMunition: 14/12
- ThatBronzeGirl: 12/6
- SherlockHulmes: 14/10
- GassyMexican: 9/19
2. Saving throws
Total number of saving throws
- AnneMunition: 11
- ThatBronzeGirl: 15
- SherlockHulmes: 18
- GassyMexican: 21
Average saving throw result
- AnneMunition: 10.455
- ThatBronzeGirl: 9.600
- SherlockHulmes: 11.889
- GassyMexican: 12.238
Saving throw success rate
- AnneMunition: 45.4%
- ThatBronzeGirl: 33.3%
- SherlockHulmes: 44.4%
- GassyMexican: 61.9%
3. Initiative rolls
Total number of initiative rolls
- AnneMunition: 7
- ThatBronzeGirl: 7
- SherlockHulmes: 10
- GassyMexican: 10
Average initiative roll result
- AnneMunition: 4.857
- ThatBronzeGirl: 5.571
- SherlockHulmes: 6.300
- GassyMexican: 6.400
4.Attack rolls
Total number of attack rolls
- AnneMunition: 2
- ThatBronzeGirl: 12
- SherlockHulmes: 17
- GassyMexican: 32
Average attack roll result
- AnneMunition: 6.500
- ThatBronzeGirl: 16.417
- SherlockHulmes: 15.941
- GassyMexican: 13.969
Hit percentage
- AnneMunition: 0.0%
- ThatBronzeGirl: 50.0%
- SherlockHulmes: 64.7%
- GassyMexican: 56.3%
Total damage dealt
- AnneMunition: 27 (Telepathic assault)
- ThatBronzeGirl: 40
- SherlockHulmes: 104
- GassyMexican: 154
5. Interesting facts
- Anne rolled 2 attack rolls during the whole season and missed both
- Max, despite rolling the worst skill rolls on average, was the only one who never rolled a 1 or a 2
- Max also set the record with a rolled 16 in episode 27 (Shoot roll with a +3 bonus)
- Bronze had the highest average attack roll, but only the 3rd best hit percentage
- Mark had by far the best hit percentage
- Max rolled more attack rolls than all other players combined
- Bronze gave twice as many assists as she received
- Max gave less than half as many assists as he received
- Anne had the best skill rolls, but the worst attack and initiative rolls
- Max had the worst skill rolls, but the best saving throws and initiative rolls
- Mark managed to roll 3 20s out of only 18 saving throws (crit rate of 17% instead of the normal 5%)