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[FAR VERONA // E05 // Q&A] Hong Loose Ends

it’s a messy messy day in the fog city


We have Yancy. We had Randy. May this never end Adam.

So how publicly criminal are the 14 Red Dogs now? It seems like they are pretty clearly a crime syndicate from the PCs’ perspective, for example.

Also, Yancy is always the best and did nothing wrong. He got Riley in, tied up some loose ends (similar to how Nomi killed her relative), and didn’t kill any players. He even managed to hide and survive without getting captured by angry mobs. He’s just the best!


Yancy is really growing on me he’s a mess but a surprisingly effective mess if Booker can find a way to channel Yancy’s ‘attitude’ he could be an effective member of the team.

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??? Nomi didn’t kill anyone ???


I find it interesting that rather than allow a PC to be stuck on 1hp for potentially a week with needed bed rest and medical care before regaining hit points, you decided to have a NPC doctor use a Stim on Jaycen to keep him actively involved. Which Stim was used on him?

Sure, he’s just fine. :stuck_out_tongue:

But seriously though, good job killing a traitor of the Empire. o7

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Week 5 roll results and statistics:

Nomi Qa’a (AnneMunition):

Roll 1
  • Skill: Talk
  • Attribute: Charisma
  • Result: 9
  • Difficulty: 7
  • Outcome: Success
Roll 2
  • Skill: Save
  • Attribute: Luck +4
  • Result: 1
  • Difficulty: 10
  • Outcome: Fail
Roll 3
  • Skill: Talk
  • Attribute: Charisma
  • Result: 11
  • Difficulty: 7
  • Outcome: Success
Roll 4
  • Skill: Talk
  • Attribute: Charisma
  • Result: 9
  • Difficulty: 7
  • Outcome: Success
Roll 5
  • Skill: Lead - Assist
  • Attribute: Charisma
  • Result: 7
  • Difficulty: 7
  • Outcome: Success
Roll 6
  • Skill: Know +1
  • Attribute: Intelligence
  • Result: 7
  • Difficulty: 7
  • Outcome: Success

Limmar Riley (ThatBronzeGirl):

Roll 1
  • Skill: Punch +4
  • Attribute: Strength
  • Result: 11
  • Difficulty: 7
  • Outcome: Success
Roll 2
  • Skill: Program
  • Attribute: Intelligence
  • Result: 13
  • Difficulty: 12
  • Outcome: Success
Roll 3
  • Skill: Know
  • Attribute: Intelligence
  • Result: 8
  • Difficulty: 7
  • Outcome: Success
Roll 4
  • Skill: Program
  • Attribute: Intelligence
  • Result: 10
  • Difficulty: 7
  • Outcome: Success
Roll 5
  • Skill: Program
  • Attribute: Intelligence
  • Result: 14
  • Difficulty: 10
  • Outcome: Success
Roll 6
  • Skill: Program
  • Attribute: Intelligence
  • Result: 12
  • Difficulty: 7
  • Outcome: Success
Roll 7
  • Skill: Exert
  • Attribute: Strength
  • Result: 3
  • Difficulty: 7
  • Outcome: Fail
Roll 8
  • Skill: Talk
  • Attribute: Charisma
  • Result: 7
  • Difficulty: 7
  • Outcome: Success

Jaycen Argus (Sherlock_Hulmes):

Roll 1
  • Skill: Connect
  • Attribute: Charisma
  • Result: 4
  • Difficulty: 7
  • Outcome: Fail

Booker Greaves (GassyMexican):

Roll 1
  • Skill: Attack
  • Result: 7
  • Hit: -
  • Damage: 0
Roll 2
  • Skill: Save
  • Attribute: Luck +4
  • Result: 1
  • Difficulty: 11
  • Outcome: Fail
Roll 3
  • Skill: Connect
  • Attribute: Charisma
  • Result: 4
  • Difficulty: 7
  • Outcome: Fail
Roll 4
  • Skill: Talk
  • Attribute: Charisma
  • Result: 5
  • Difficulty: 7
  • Outcome: Fail
Roll 5
  • Skill: Know
  • Attribute: Intelligence
  • Result: 6
  • Difficulty: 7
  • Outcome: Fail
Roll 6
  • Skill: Lead - Assisted
  • Attribute: Charisma
  • Result: 10
  • Difficulty: 7
  • Outcome: Success
Roll 7
  • Skill: Connect
  • Attribute: Charisma
  • Result: 9
  • Difficulty: 8
  • Outcome: Success

Average skill results
  • Nomi Qa’a: 8.600
  • Limmar Riley: 9.750
  • Jaycen Argus: 4.000
  • Booker Greaves: 6.800


A question for @AdamKoebel . So far in this show there was no need for the revised edition hacking extra rules (pg. 54). How will you implement those rules in Far Verona when more complex hacking will be needed?

Personally, I’m a fan of those rules because it gives me a new layer of problem solving complexity but I also see that there are players and GMs (in general) who would find placement and tracking of Line Shunts, code preparation, data protocols study etc. tedious. I also assume that players that see this system more as a chore will be less likely to learn those rules and thus slow down the development of the story.

Are you going to just stick with the rules as is? Are you going to implement a lite version? Or are you going to just remove that layer and treat hacking and computers as you did in Swan Song?

Also a question for @ThatBronzeGirl . Since your character is the go-to person when it comes to hacking, how do you feel about the hacking rules on page 54? Would you prefer that there is just one programming roll in the moment of need and then move on or do you welcome the idea of needing to prepare for hacking jobs?

@AnneMunition There was an old kindly man called Mike that taught a lesson to a young man called Jesse. “No half measures” he said to him. Maybe Nomi should heed his words next time when she decides to betray a cooperating contact/family friend. :thinking:

Jokes aside…
We’ve seen Nomi in an assistant/secondary leadership role few times so far. How do you feel about the idea that Nomi takes a full leadership role in a mission or two that require less grizzled detective work and more … Nomi type of work? So far there doesn’t appear to be an external authority that is deciding what party member is the de jure leader of the squad so the leadership structure seems… fluid and flexible to the needs of a mission.

Thanks again for using stuff from the wiki, as the guy responsible for the Red Light sector, i never really expected it to be used, Hong Lu City is such a big place in such a big universe. So its very rewarding when that stuffs incorporated! I mean, woohoo, Proxy Portal!

Ok enough swooning. Keep up the great work! And thank you Red Dogs for all the work you have been putting into this stuff. You know who you are. :kissing_heart:

edit: question for Adam. Does Riley even know about the Red Dogs and what they are? She mentioned them like she knows us as a faction, but they were just dropped in a file. Bronzegirl would know about their business, but would Riley? I just mention it because you were very careful in dropping our name, being secretive and all. So i wonder why Riley has info on us. We are just a humble charity organization after all…


Enjoying the increasing tension and menace on Hong Lu. Looking forward to the next episode.

A minor note for Gassy: You used a base attack bonus of +1 when you shot at the drone, but I believe your base attack bonus should actually be +2. As an adventurer you receive a a base attack bonus equal to half your level, but as a partial warrior get an additional +1 on top of that (pg 18 in the rules).

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Posting this in the right thread:

Are the PCs essentially, narrativly, villains by now?

Another fascinating, and at times intense, episode! I guess we can all be grateful that Yancy only murdered an innocent journalist, and not Riley. :sweat_smile:

@AdamKoebel I have a question regarding the power structure in the Empire.
My understanding is that it was no big deal, or even “per protocol” when Yancy panic-shot Sarika in episode 2. She was a pleb, so anything goes.

Is that the way the empire works? Can the nobility basically execute anyone? From any of the non-nobility factions?

Cause I’m thinking that especially Prism and the low church would be super vulnerable if that’s the way that the world works. Some of the other factions have either lots of guns or money for protection, but those two. :cold_sweat:

I knew it would come back to bite me in the ass, but I couldn’t see another way out of that situation where we all survived (especially the incapacitated Jaycen). I knew that the Hong Lu authorities weren’t after us, they were after him specifically. We’ll just have to see how it plays out.

I’ve never seen Nomi as taking an “assistant/secondary leadership” role. It never feels like that to me. I feel like sometimes it makes sense for certain people to take the lead in a situation where their skills are best suited for success. It’s about the squad succeeding, not an ego trip over who gets to be the boss

I like being in scenes, I don’t mind not being in scenes. :smile:

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Maybe Nomi should be in charge… Booker clearly isn’t behaving in a way that is suitable for a proper noble of the Empire. :itmejpgmleft::itmejpgmlol::itmejpgmright:

Thank you for the reply.

Hmmm :thinking: @Olf_Himself has a point. Booker isn’t behaving in a proper way that suits a noble. Nomi did express her loyalty to the Empire and the nobility system that Booker is undermining (only through rhetoric so far) is the cornerstone of it. Without it the Empire would’t be an empire; it would be an republic/federation/confederation/hot mess.

To what Empire is Nomi loyal to? Is she like House Aquila and is loyal to the throne as a concept that is uniting the Houses. Is she loyal to the nobility/caste system that brought her and her family power and fortune? Is she loyal to the the soon to come emperor whoever they may be? Or a specific one?

As a member of the 14 Red Dogs on the Far Verona discord server, we imagined that because they are a Secretive faction they have a very good Charity front which hides all their Triad business.

Publicly they are a Charity, but who knows, maybe someone who lives long enough on Hong Lu can see through the deception though I would imagine it is very hard to guess. Now does Crux knows they are criminals ? That we don’t know

It’d be awesome if she had a background with ties to them :heart_eyes: