itmeJP Community

itmeJP Community

Dropped Frames Week 94 disussion

The episode where JP talks about his meat, Zeke slaps some meat cutlets and Cohh is Cohh.

Chat got a bit crazy during the PewDiePie discussion so what’s your thoughts on that whole thing?
Have you seen any improvements to Twitch communities?
Also can someone link Zeke’s VOD from when he did his Zekeytron?

communities feels like twitch just announcing something to have their names out there…there doesnt seem to be a point to them and the lack of organization around them sorta makes them irrelevant.

Communities dont feel like communities at all, They are more of an extended team feature. the current “communities” should be a more heavily moderated by twitch IMO. Get rid of duplicates(Merge them?), No game titles, No team names.