itmeJP Community

itmeJP Community

Dream of a new SWN Rollplay

This morning in my dream, JP, DJ Wheat and Stephen Lumpkin were playing SWN characters (there was no GM, it was like a film). JP, a dastardly hooligan space pirate, was flying his own private ship when he realizes somehow that he is being tracked and followed and must soon abandon his ship or else he will be captured (he can not for whatever reason prevent his ship from being tracked- he’s flying solo and he’s not an engineer, and his ship is being tracked through some mechanical device installed into the ship- the ship is being tracked by some unique feature). He ends up flagging down a team of two piloting their own ship- I don’t quite remember what their characters were like, although DJ Wheat was playing a male character (someone presumably with a sense of humor and a youthful ignorance and jovial lack of concern for life), and let’s say that Steven Lumpkin was playing a flamboyant young girl who hides her vicious ferocity behind a cute and charming exterior. The two parties land on a small moon or station containing a breathable atmosphere to meet up. When JP steps down from his space shuttle he is accompanied by a ape seemingly blinged out in jewelry. JP looks back and says, “Did you get everything J-J?!” to a “Hoo hoo hoo hoo!” and DJ Wheat says while he’s laughing, “Is that a monkey wearing jewelry!” and JP replies, “Yeah- that’s Jimpy-Jams! He picks up everything that he sees! He especially likes shiny objects!” Then he boards Wheat’s ship and plans to pay him, but perhaps Wheat can help him evade detection and hawk the ship or something- and that was the entire dream!

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