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itmeJP Community

[Dogs in the Vineyard Q&A] The River Cold, The River Deep

Thanks for the show guys, I actually really enjoyed the ruleset with how the dicepool works during the “engagements” really brings out all the parts of a character very quickly which is nice to see in a short session


That was probably the coolest one shot ever. having Matt Mercer and Tycho on one place playing such an interesting game was super awesome.


The cast obviously had a hand in it but i think we really need to give props to Adam for getting it to the end so well without it being hamfisted


Adam, was Tycho bringing the conflict to such a sudden end a surprise to you or was it discussed during the break because of time constraints?


That was honestly fucking incredible. I don’t even have a question but just wanted to say thank you to everyone involved

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What a great cast! Thank you so much for this one-shot!

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We need a fucking sequel ASAP. Please for the love of The Life King


Thank you so much. I had it easy, these players are too good.


I swear i now want a gods in the vineyard show now because the way this went was probably the best way it could’ve. So Adam did you have other ways in going about the events if time had allowed it and if so what would you have done differently if at all.


Question: It was unclear to me what they were going to do with the baby after they saved it. Would they return it to the town (and if so, to who?), or is she to be raised at a priory or somewhere?


That is one of the most amazing shows I ever saw.

Everyone was so involved, voices, dialogues, monologues, making plans…just perfect.

Every character has really good story and I am sorry we couldn’t see much more from JP’s side especially.

Adam as always you make those stories so easy to get involved into and so easy to imagine the scenes :itmejpheart:

One negative is if this stays on only 4 hours.

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I agree, DITV seems well suited to online performance style play. Every die in a roll matters, and has its moment to be counted, and Traits mean that you can keep it tense as more dice are added on both sides.


Man, everytime ya’ll do a one-shot I always want a recurring series, and that really speaks to the quality of the players and the GM. SO, SOOOO good.

Speaking to this game in particular, the religious rhetoric gave me chills multiple times. The setting is so powerful, what with the actual supernatural threats, and the terror of having that level of authority over folks.

Freaking loved all of it.


Now this is hard for me articulate, but I’ll try:
As soon as the initiation rites of the Player Characters came up, I had these grand Western pictures in my mind. For some reason I imagined a castle with high walls surrounding it as the place of the faiths education. A stronghold, sealed off from the rest of the world.
And that rest of the world, which the PCs got into later, was dust and rocks. Wide plains. And for some reason the town was not a typical Italo Western town but rather an old European one, the people and the architecture more nordic than anything else. Indomitable mountains on the horizon, the great wide plain behind them. Their costumes a weird mix between cowboys and excorcists.

And I’ll be honest, just by the setting and the pictures in my head I rarely ever enjoyed an RP system that much. I love DnD, I love a lot of different systems, but Dogs in the Vineyard seems to be the epitome of cinematics given the right cast.
This certainly was just that! All 5 players tonight were having fun I hope, it sure looked like you guys did. And the story told, the details, the ideas -it all came together brilliantly.
Both cast and setting are too good to only see once and I’d be more than just a little happy if this could be more than a Oneshot.

Adam, do you think this game is playable in some sort of D&D way with grand schemes, great campaigns, hugely planned out worlds or is this best suited for episodic events like tonight?

And to come back to the scenes in my head: The execution of some of the sinners was powerful. The first shot, pitiless and surprising (if not to the audience of the show, but to the audience of the execution). The second shot, built up perfectly with the sister taking aim and then, in a split second taking the shot. A grand scene.


Show so good I up and subscribed right after it ended so I could catch the first two hours that I missed. Amazing work, you guys. Need to have Jerry back on in future.


Though it did run on a bit long, I found character creation itself in this game to be fascinating. Also, that initial struggle roll to determine a character trait… really unique sort of “tutorial” introduction to the mechanics.

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That was a really interesting dice system. Thanks for the great show.

What an awesome show, everyone completely nailed it. What are your thoughts Adam on using this system more, seems like more of a one shot type system as opposed to a system you would use for a longer series of shows ? Austin is awesome, have always wanted to see him on one of the Rollplay shows but figured he was way to busy to do it, would love to see him on again .


Goodness that was an amazing game, great story, fantastic cast. Hope to see them on the stream for another game some day soon. The rule set had me confused for a moment and it took me a while to get into but man what a story it helped unfold, I’m a fan!

Also for those who have not, it’s worth checking out the GM prep for this game over on Adam’s stream (and hopefully soon on Youtube?) he was so full of glee over this deliciously sinful town. It was fantastic.

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Took me about two hours, all told.