Season 5 roll results and statistics:
Average Results
- Jadara Shaw: 15.724
- Kalimat Alfida: 16.346
- Yoji: 17.497
- Shadrick: 14.871
- Adam Koebel: 16.306
Average Rolls
- Jadara Shaw: 10.743
- Kalimat Alfida: 10.897
- Yoji: 10.096
- Shadrick: 9.829
Average Modifier
- Jadara Shaw: 4.981
- Kalimat Alfida: 5.449
- Yoji: 7.401
- Shadrick: 5.042
Critical successes
- Jadara Shaw: 7
- Kalimat Alfida: 5
- Yoji: 8
- Shadrick: 1
Critical fumbles
- Jadara Shaw: 2
- Kalimat Alfida: 0
- Yoji: 10
- Shadrick: 3
Damage dealt (without friendly fire)
- Jadara Shaw: 542
- Kalimat Alfida: 530
- Yoji: 738
- Shadrick: 132
- Adam Koebel: 943 (includes environmental damage)
Damage taken (without friendly fire)
- Jadara Shaw: 250
- Kalimat Alfida: 337
- Yoji: 152
- Shadrick: 204
Number of rolls
D20 Rolls
- Jadara Shaw: 105
- Kalimat Alfida: 78
- Yoji: 157
- Shadrick: 70
- Adam Koebel: 121
- Jadara Shaw: 35
- Kalimat Alfida: 8
- Yoji: 74
- Shadrick: 3
- Adam Koebel: 64
Skill checks
- Jadara Shaw: 46
- Kalimat Alfida: 49
- Yoji: 69
- Shadrick: 47
- Adam Koebel: 31
Saving throws
- Jadara Shaw: 16
- Kalimat Alfida: 21
- Yoji: 14
- Shadrick: 17
- Adam Koebel: 36
- Jadara Shaw: 37
- Kalimat Alfida: 18
- Yoji: 13
- Shadrick: 25
- This season, only Jadara and Kalimat rolled above average
- While rolling below average, Yoji still got the highest results, thanks to rolling with high modifiers
- Yoji got the most critical successes…
- …but also twice as many critical fails as all other players combined
- He also attacked more than all other players combined
- Kalimat got the highest damage in a single attack with 64
- He also got the highest damage with an aoe attack with 280
- As always, let me know if you want other stats to be tracked next season