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[COURT OF SWORDS // E76 Q&A] Set Apart

the tower is here to knock everything you love on the floor


Did Berg had the chance to complete his lifelong goal of findout out why bad things keep happening to him? I swear with the seer offering him to ask questions it could of been done.

This show just keeps getting better and better. Can’t wait to see the further adventures of the Bergy Lama AKA Punch Jesus and crew.


Week 76 roll results and statistics:

Ramus Krill (DansGaming):
Roll 1
  • type: Skill check
  • Skill: Perception
  • Roll: 13
  • Modifier: +9
  • Result: 22
  • Advantage: 0
Roll 2
  • type: Skill check
  • Skill: Investigation
  • Roll: 7
  • Modifier: +1
  • Result: 8
  • Advantage: 0
Roll 3
  • type: Skill check
  • Skill: Insight
  • Roll: 17
  • Modifier: +9
  • Result: 26
  • Advantage: 0
Roll 4
  • type: Skill check
  • Skill: Religion
  • Roll: 19
  • Modifier: +5
  • Result: 24
  • Advantage: 0
Roll 5
  • type: Skill check
  • Skill: Insight
  • Roll: 17
  • Modifier: +9
  • Result: 26
  • Advantage: 0
Roll 6
  • type: Save
  • Skill: Constitution
  • Roll: 2
  • Modifier: +2
  • Result: 4
  • Advantage: 0
Roll 7
  • type: Skill check
  • Skill: Arcana
  • Roll: 11
  • Modifier: +1
  • Result: 12
  • Advantage: -
Roll 8
  • type: Skill check
  • Skill: Persuasion
  • Roll: 19
  • Modifier: +3
  • Result: 22
  • Advantage: 0

Kalimat Alfida (Ezekiel_III):
Roll 1
  • type: Skill check
  • Skill: Performance
  • Roll: 15
  • Modifier: +7
  • Result: 22
  • Advantage: 0
Roll 2
  • type: Skill check
  • Skill: Performance
  • Roll: 20
  • Modifier: +7
  • Result: 27
  • Advantage: +
Roll 3
  • type: Skill check
  • Skill: Persuade
  • Roll: 7
  • Modifier: +10
  • Result: 17
  • Advantage: 0

Berg (GassyMexican):
Roll 1
  • type: Skill check
  • Skill: Medicine
  • Roll: 7
  • Modifier: -2
  • Result: 5
  • Advantage: 0

Yoji (itmeJP):
Roll 1
  • type: Skill check
  • Skill: Perception
  • Roll: 11
  • Modifier: +5
  • Result: 16
  • Advantage: 0
Roll 2
  • type: Skill check
  • Skill: Deception
  • Roll: 9
  • Modifier: -1
  • Result: 8
  • Advantage: 0
Roll 3
  • type: Skill check
  • Skill: Perception
  • Roll: 4
  • Modifier: +5
  • Result: 9
  • Advantage: 0

Average Results
  • Ramus Krill: 18.000
  • Kalimat Alfida: 22.000
  • Berg: 5.000
  • Yoji: 11.000

Average Rolls
  • Ramus Krill: 13.125
  • Kalimat Alfida: 14.000
  • Berg: 7.000
  • Yoji: 8.000


Would this be a time Berg could change his subclass if he wanted to? Seems that Path of the Zealot and it’s undying nature or Path of the Ancestral Guardian could be very fitting rp changes if he is Ilneval.


I don’t think Berg can change to any subclass except ‘‘Fighter’’.

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Given some of the changes that have occurred since the beginning of the campaign can the PCs play non evil Warlocks now if they wanted to? I assume fiend patrons would be off limits because I would guess those are the Mara. But could they be Celestial Warlocks? In the court of swords world would Agni work as a Hexblade Patron (making powerful weapons and such) or possibly an Archfey Patron or is she just a possible “god” for clerics and druids?

Really interested to see how the rest of this plays out!

I’m curious about how post-vault stuff will be handled… but that’s way in the future and too many PC things can shuffle it apart. Ready for some really weird stuff to happen in the vault!

Speculation on Post-Vault and some Q's about it

Okay, so like. As Yoji said, the Immortals can like “clap their hands” and kill everyone. Plus when we’ve seen them before they were like… a bit formidable. If they are given the key will most of that interaction be… “narrative” ? Like Hazan deals directly or will they players actually have to do like an ‘escort mission’ of the Immortals to the Tower? This is all assuming of course they can make it out of the Vault alive and such. It might be interesting to see scarabs eating into the immortal’s shield and the tower beginning to fall if they take to long. :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t remember the episode, but when Ramus and Agni got their first interaction Adam mentioned an alternative class Ramus could class into based on the exchange. Might be something to look up.


I believe it was just the Forge Domain Cleric. Dan was weighing the pros and cons between Light and Forge in the chat during the show.


“Tricked humans into doing” My theory is slowly getting proven more and more. :smile:

If a Dwarf half-Orc can exist, can other wierd half races exist? Halfling human? Gnome Dragonborn? Though I guess with Kali it has been proven that half-orc dragonborn can exist.

I’ve always been intrigued by Kalimat, and this episode his actions really stood out to me. At first I didn’t understand his motivation for going whole hog into “Berg is Inoval”, especially since Berg was so hesitant. Is he really that insensitive to his friend? Does he just like the fun and excitement and isn’t thinking about the consequences of his actions? Then I remembered that he is not a sane character right now. I think Zeke plays it a little more subtly than he did when Kali first came back after the farang meeting, but Kali has basically given up on everything and is just taking each thing infront of him as his path, even when his friends don’t want that path. It creates a really interesting dynamic between the group. I really liked that Yoji challenged him about following the arcana too. I just wonder if Kali can be brought back from his self-destruction, or if he’s already too far gone.


I lost most of the episode, but I caught enough to notice something.

Remember when @AdamKoebel said there were some figures in heaven that did not want to give up their cushy position in case the whole world achieves enlightment? Well, figures like Ilnaval/Berg and the Immortals who don’t partake in the Wheel like everyone else are CLEAR proofs of that.

Boy I can’t wait when the players notice that. Imagine when Ramus realizes that added to the fact that his body and whole existence is decaying because he’s doing basically the same thing? It will always be fun to see Ramus get mad at something :smiley:

I’m really glad you pointed that out - Zeke is playing it subtle but I absolutely think you’re right. He is more than a bit unhinged.

Celestial Warlocks are a thing that might unlock during the next arc depending on how some setting stuff goes…

I love how in a home brew world like this one classes and sub classes can say so much about the character and the world itself. In normal D&D a lot of times you choose your class and race and that’s it I love that it tells a story within itself and there are in world justification for these choices. The little implications might be my favorite, like it being established during the primordial arc that barbarian rage was something the dwarves developed which means at some point either the orcs learned while they were enslaved by them or at some point it evolved and the dwarves stopped “raging” and the orcs became the barbarians. There is nothing more that I would like to see than a player being a Paladin Sorcerer multiclass. Normally that is just a strong multiclass someone chooses but here it asks so many questions. Did your faith weaken when you realized you could tap into the fountain without praying? Was it a you were at your lowest moment when you realized the power was inside you all along situation? How do the heavenly bodies feel about these individuals? Is it a constantly being reprimanded situation (“We’ve told you a million times just put in the proper requisition forms and we will cast that spell for you stop fucking stealing the spell”)?

Sorry for the long post. In summary I love all the hard work you guys put into the show. I look forward to it each week.


I am honestly surprised Max didnt use the opportunity with this Destruct0r-arc to resolve his “Why do bad things keep happening to me” goal that he’s been having for like 15 episodes now. The way ep. 75 and now this one went down pretty much gave him a perfect answer. Granted how limited Bergs abilities are to percieve higher motives and gain insight into schemes or intent I find it actually suprising that he is this resistant to the concept of him being said reincarnation, since the “evidence” and explanations given to him must look pretty profound from Bergs perspective. If being the reincarnation of a divine being whichs purpose is to destroy pretty much everything isnt enough to explain the amount of suffering and loss Berg has experienced, what is? I think Adam made the piece fit perfectly here to present Berg/Max with an suitable answer. And besides, what difficulty is that goal, hard or even deadly? The exp gains would be real.

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Which might still be worth looking into. Imagine Berg with dueling as a fighting style and second wind as an option for his bonus action. Even that one lvl may be worth it, just for the addtional increase to his damage mod.

Okkkk, that dialogue at around 3 hoursa dn 10 mins into the stream when Ezekiel tried to explain the plan it was like “Oh god, Zeak forgot the plan…” and yeap, he did :stuck_out_tongue: . He thought they needed the Orcs to kill teh Farang but the Orcs are just needed to help get the key and the rest are probably up to Hassan in order to awake the old god and destroy the Farang along with the city.

To be fair the plan is a little convoluted.